How to load a digger on a truck...

in #humor7 years ago

... Number one in an occasional series.

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Welcome to ‘Amazing Thailand’. Over the years, I have collected quite a few pictures of what really makes this unique, South East Asian country so wonderful and now I’m pleased to be able to share some of them with you via this post.

Today’s example, ‘How to load a digger on a truck’ just goes to show that you don’t need any cumbersome ‘Health & Safety’ legislation (despite what the sign in the photo says) or even a ramp for that matter. What you do need is the kind of ‘can do’ attitude that is also known as sheer bloody-mindedness… as well as a really big digger, a lorry and probably, a few stiff drinks beforehand!

I wish that I’d taken a video of this because the noise of the digger trying to, quite literally, mount the flatbed truck was astounding, not to mention extremely noisy.

Stay tuned for more in the ‘Amazing Thailand’ series soon and don't forget to visit for more stories like this.