
lol! that's brilliant! ..or...well, that's okay,..that's what I meant. don't want you to think you're some kind of Perry Mason or anything.

I always play stupid, and make THEM explain to me, what I want them to do! Then steer them with questions, until they arrive! Works every time, because them believe themselves to be the smartest people ever, ROFLOL!
:) Incompetents with a massive ego...AKA Bureaucrats! :)

lol! brilliant man, just brilliant

No, I was just plain stupid, and they had to explain 'things' to me, ROFLOL! :)

They were happy to help me.... :)

you laid the perfect trap!

Simply let them drag you kicking and screaming exactly where you want to be..."Don't throw me in the briar patch"!
They "win", and I get rid of them, and the snakes are GONE! ~~~~~0<

lol! quite a colorful description!