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RE: I'm blogging now, weeeee!

in #humor7 years ago

If you learn how to use it, ADD can be an invaluable tool! It allows me to work on several things at the same time. I used to read and drive (I can do that safely) at the same time. When I drove long term, I used to write a little poetry on the road.

A Mind is a great tool, but a poor Master; and sometimes must to be driven in to submission!


what??? lol! ok but that's something that you are born with. I mean I don't think I would want it at my age. I'm lucky to get one thing done at a time.

Me too sometimes! But the ADD as a tool, helps me make more progress. Any tool in a storm, LOL!


yes sir I can see how it would. I wonder if that could be taught? think of the increase in productivity that could be achieved!

Not in a normal school! My son was allowed to read in class, as long as he paid attention to the teachers. It takes a special school to accept this odd form of learning. :)

☆♡☆♡'re saying your kids have it too. oh lord.

Yes, it is genetic. My Father was the smartest MAN I ever knew! I just try to measure up to him the best I can. :D

a noble challenge smithlabs, a noble challenge.

The tragedy is that we teach kids that do have this spark, that it is a disorder, to be treated by mind numbing medication. Edison, Einstein,and Alexander Grahm Bell all had extreme ADD; and used it as a tool!

We need to separate these kids, and teach them to USE what GOD gave them! The leap in technology would be astounding! :)

yes sir, you are so right. I remember hearing or reading about almost every leader and great scientist or whatever, and they all had ADD, now none of the kids are allowed to have it!
do you think that's on purpose, drugging them to dumb them down?

There is money in it, and it does dumb down the population, so it is likely by plan.

My Son had a ADD friend, who was destroyed by the meds, and the concept that he was Deficit, and needed the meds to be acceptable! >:(

that's terrible about your son's friend, in some cases I'd sue like crazy.

They will just say it was ADD, and blame the kid. How do you even get them to understand the vile attack; that destroyed this boy's future? They would first have to admit a mistake! >:(

yes sir that's very true, they'll never admit the mistake.