@the-witty-waiter as you know @headchange featured you in this week's #PayItForward contest.
I think sometimes the new moon can be worse than a full. Too much energy that people don't understand. That sounds like it was a heck of a night. I know I would have been looking to for a corner to get away.
Both my husband and son have been servers. I have heard lots of stories like yours. My son had started as kitchen staff, and WOW the stuff that goes on, sometimes it's amazing food can make it out. A great server can really make a difference in how a meal goes. It is so hard when something isn't right to let your server know. It's not their fault. So getting upset with them is the worst thing to do. I see that all too often.
I know in many countries tipping is considered rude. What most don't realize at least here in the US most servers get paid 2.50 to 3.00 / hour. They need their tips to survive. Since our family has had to live off income like this, we can be the best or the worst tippers. If you cannot stop by my table once to even check in let alone refill my drink. Sorry, you're not getting squat. If you make it a very enjoyable experience...you're more than likely getting more than 20% We've even tipped half the bill when we've gotten awesome service.
Keep up the great work! So many people don't understand how stressful your job can be.
If you get the time, please check into #PayItForward. We would love to have you join us. It's great getting to know new people. It not only benefits you by entering, it benefits those that you feature. It gives them more exposure too.
Thank you for the great comment. I'm just learning more about #payitforward and I will check it out