4 fingers, your hand is holding four fingers above the Earth. I'm probably going to lose because there is different logic being used that didn't seem logic enough to me at the current time thinking about my best way to possibly lose... once a win by getting a reward that goes down in value. Maybe I shouldn't haven't bothered commenting because now I might win and/or lose and I didn't touch keys with my fingers I would have simply had no chance of getting any steem tokens. But I like the opportunity of getting some tokens! :)
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Four is a really good guess! Your odds of winning are somewhere around 73%. Right? I'm not good with probability.
My answer is actually eight. Given my logic reasoning. But then I would disqualify my chance of winning tokens. I actually do not know what my chances are.
I think my odds are about 2 in 9 +/- 1 / 18 th. My guess is we are not counting your other hand. Even though that is not fully clarified. Then I am not sure if your 5th digit is being labeled a finger as many confuse this matter by using thoughts of different sources. So four should be a good guess as that is what the picture shows in case you are in fact holding four fingers up, which you are regardless. But there seems to be a holding up perspective in relation to something.
I Like 73%
You bring up some interesting points. Eight would also be a good guess. By guessing twice as many fingers, I think it raises your odds to 94%. You might be the big winner! :)
But there aren't 8 fingers in the picture...
Odd of 94% sound much better, but there's still a chance I don't win. And the number of 94% might be off...
Makes me wonder if my odds go up if I double my guess again... But I also guess that only my initial guess counts.
I don't have stacks of $100 bills either, but I have a picture of them! And if you double your guess again, I think your odds go to 0%. Or maybe 100%. I'm not sure.
this in no way shape or form a guess
So there's picture of your 16 fingers! Glad we got that out of the way. Thank you for your replies and of course the initial post.