Last yr I decided to try my hand at making my own AR pistol from flat steel I wanted one to hunt deer with so it had to be a single shot due to ILs crazy gun laws. So here are all of the pieces that will make the lower ( the part that is considered a firearm)
Got everything mocked up
And everything tack welded together
I didn't have a tap so I made the buffer spring tower with an extra nut
Again no tap so I cut the head off a 1/4 in bolt and plug welded in as a grip screw
All cleaned up
Grip fits
Time to weld everything
And clean the welds
Time to fit an upper and line up buffer tower I inserted a dowel rod to aline buffer tower
Tack welded everything up
Everything welded and cleaned up
It fits
Since it has to be a single shot I carved and molded a loading shelf I poured out of acrylic
Inserted into lower
And the finished product
The upper is chambered in 300 blackout with an 11 in barrel and I can't wait to take my first deer with it this fall hope you enjoyed this brief tutorial
while i don't like the idea of you shooting a deer this is amazing.
you really did this? wow, well done sir.
upvote and cash inbound.
Thanks I did in fact make the lower (the part that is considered a firearm) and I understand not liking the idea of me shooting deer but I assure you nothing is wasted I don't trust meat from the store so 98% of the meat my family eats I either hunt it or purchase it off a local farmer Thanks for the comment and upvote
Very Interesting. I upvoted and followed.