Yep, I'm guilty of the lack of commenting thing. Often I don't comment because I know that if I wrote what I truly felt, it wouldn't go down well, and as you know, I don't do this lovey-dovey stuff whereby people post sugary sweet comments, which to me looks fake a lot of the time. There is another side to that, though. People can find themselves doing all the legwork, which then starts to look slightly like that class swot "Pick me!" almost like a comment phishing exercise.
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I've bored the pants off you over the years complaining about these memes [of unicorns farting rainbows] that earn $80 or more, especially when I've posted something that's taken a couple of hours to compose and format via HTML (I don't use that stinking markdown) but here's the point. It's soul-destroying to see people upvoting that dross; it makes people think "Why do I bother?" it certainly makes me think that.
Qudos for the 'Activefit' observation. I've always thought that, but I never thought I'd see you say it. 👍
I take my hat off to folk that can find something, anything to post about seven days a week. Maybe it's Pulp fiction; maybe the content is valid? I know I can't do it. When I do post, it's a valid post or, for me, a worthwhile one. I've never submitted a post and thought: "That should be a high earner!" although I will admit I've bitched like a two-year-old when I've felt it's not earnt enough.
I am fortunate that I can expect votes, but I don't take them for granted. I was pleasantly surprised by how many comments this post got in a few minutes, so it shows people do read my stuff. Although you have a lot of followers I wonder how many people see your posts. Unfortunately it's not all about quality. There is favouritism and cliques. Crap will get votes. Just how it is.
I can say I put in the work to build an audience with thousands of comments as well as the posts. I've done what I can to help lots of people. I do okay, but the hourly rate is crap.
I think we have to be honest about what goes on and don't pretend it's all unicorns and rainbows (or rainbow unicorns). Hive will always be the wild west, but that includes opportunities to do well.
Maybe Hive should have "Read Receipts" like MS Outlook? 🤣
Pfft don't kid yourself; I happen to be searching "porn", "unicorns", "NSFW" and you popped up. 😜
I feel like this is possibly one of the problems with Hive, well it happens also in real life, at almost all levels, when there is a potential reward, few people will speak frankly because isn't profitable acting that way.
Hipocrisy is something unresolved in our society, when people don't want to risk their reputation often the easiest way to avoid it the auto censorship.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The problem I found over the years on your planet is that people are far quicker to label someone than take a breath, digest what they've just read, and then respond either in an expanding manner or, if required, pulling the shutters down. People these days prefer to label folk immediately as "Miserable" or "Always moaning", or my other favourites "Toxic" and "Tearing it down" these labels are designed to shut people up; they are most definitely not designed to find out the underlying reasons why someone says something. Remember, just because somebody disagrees with something doesn't necessarily make them right.
Is too much work to open a debate about the ideas than to simply make an 'ad hominem' attack, laziness is stronk, but what i have to say about laziness, i'm the laziest one.
PD* lol i upvoted my comment when i wanted to upvote yours, that's why i deleted the previous answer.
Self voting is frowned upon. I dunno why when there's [insert swear word] with multiple accounts on Hive basically taking multiple rewards, and yet nobody says anything but you vote for yourself, and the mob is on you! 🤣
I can relate to a lot of what you say here
Some of the saccharine sweet posts and comments just make me roll my eyes
I'm a fairly optimistic person too but come on, keep it real folks
The more I get into Hive though, the less I'm seeing that kind of thing, so there's that
I've also definitely taken the if you ain't got nothing nice to say then don't say nothing approach to commenting at times...
I've gone from one extreme to the other over the years. From commenting on EVERYTHING on mailing lists, forums, Facebook etc., to being pretty choosey on comments. When I first joined Steemit, it was kinda drilled into me "Quality posts", so therefore, I only posted when I had something (IMO) of value to say. That was fine, but it really angered me that people would post pictures (No text) of unicorns farting rainbows and earn $80 plus in votes! It's actually an ongoing complaint of mine. The same can be said of voting. I was very choosey about voting, almost to the point of people having to "Pry my vote from my cold dead hand." then it was suggested I use While I do feel it's kind of cheating, I'm glad I did because my account, after four years, has finally started to look healthy.
At first I thought you might have been making a joke about poor quality posts, but you mean literally a picture of a unicorn farting a rainbow?!
Damn... That sucks
Would have been demoralising as hell
Didn't know about that site, I'll take a gander...