Lacecap Hydrangeas are a lesser well known cousin of the common "mophead" Big Leaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea Macrophylla). Mopheads and Lacecaps are both Big Leaf Hydrangea, sharing the same basic form, foliage, and care requirements, but differ in the style of their flower heads.
Mopheads are hydrangea with the typical large and showy flower heads for which the shrubs are beloved. Lacecaps have less showy flower heads, with delicate unopened fertile florets, surrounded by larger sterile florets, which gives the flower head that 'lace-like' appearance.
Lacecaps are prized for their delicate flower heads, which are considered slightly more refined than their mophead cousins. In years past, Laceheads have been a little more difficult to find in garden centers, but as their popularity has increased in the last few years, Lacecaps are now available in multiple sizes and colors, and varieties are available in both the Endless Summer collection and City Line Series of Hydrangea.
Blue Wave Lacecap Hydrangea
Lady in Red Hydrangea
Twist-n-Shout Hydrangea
Light O’ Day Hydrangea
Bits Of Lace Hydrangea
Marvellous , thanks Mark.