
steemit life

I miss all the fun,...

idk, its not so fun when you watch from an outside view of whats going on.
All the people that played a blind eye when i was calling for help are now getting flagged and calling everyone pussies and stuff for not jumping in to help when i see it as that moment passed.
we all had a chance to stop this shit last year but the people didnt want to lose out on their 10 cent pay outs, now a year has passed and and everyone that wanted to stand up for freedom of speech are dead/censored/ or run off the platform are no longer here to defend because no one gave a shit before.
just like press for truth, deniy censorship on the platform but once it happens to "them" oh shit censorship is all of a sudden a problem!

it makes me sick, if you cant stand up for speech you disagree with then your not for freedom of speech. so all the fuqtards that tried to play the game of oh well im not "enter derogatory term here" so its not censorship deserve what they get.

sleep in the bed you make i think the line goes.

PLuss if they really want to make a chang NOW, taking a whale head on is pointless. they should take my advice and move on to build numbers and change minds, calling everyone a pussy if they wont resteem the post is not going to get resteems.
idk im a bit drunk and its a bit annoying to me, dude should look at the tag he used and then go back and look at all the shit he said to me in the past.
still sux though, i dont think he should be getting flagged or anyone else. still think he is another trying to be what was to fill the voind left by someone he helped drag down into the dirt.

Yep, we are getting another chance with this price drop.
I hope it gets under fifty cents, then there will be so few people here maybe we can reach a few with the truth.

Dissent is essential to finding the truth, without it all you got is confirmation bias.

that comment is awesome.
what do you think of this post?

i was given the link and am struggling on replying to it.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

The more times you enter your story onto the blockchain the more likely it is to be found and pass wisdom to the new reader.

I got a big flag early on, i think it was a fyrstikken alt, but it could have been the bad whale, i was pretty new, but somebody told him to pull it, and i have only been flagged by newbs since.
Im not pulling up who said to get up off of me, but it was a whale that i think hasnt been back in a while.
So, i dont have any bad flag stories.
I point folks to you, because i was there to watch you recover, and know what price you paid.

In an unfree world live your life so that your very existence is a revolutionary act.

when something is flagged to negitive its almost impossible to find it unless your willing to go post by post in steemd. i have had hella troubles finding my own posts that were flagged even when knowing the exact title of the post.

You lucky then, its not fun getting that whale flag, minnow flags i dont even blink at unless its for a really funny reason.

Might not be good to point people in my direction about flagging as i have kind of become a bitch on the subject after 2 years of flagging for wrong think. i think im broken tbh, even when i want to post something that might offend i cant seem to do it anymore.

i love that last line and think its about all i can do anymore, if i continue to post my existance proves the other side is not gaining traction.