One of the most common reason why people cite for not starting their own business is fear-fear of failure. That's crazy, because failure is something to embrace and celebrate. It's one of the most significant upside-down components of starting your own business and striking it rich: Fail first.
There is pleanty validation for this surprising point of view. Jude Wanniski, a political economist wrote, ''All success is the result of failure''. It takes repeated attempts at successding before SUCCESS is achieved. Just think how many times you have tried to eat with a spoon before you got the hang of it, let alone a knife and fork. Sucess, of course is better than failure, but success is not possible without failure. The best companies today have had one time failed and leanrned from them. Rather than whyning over failure, the question to ask is, what can I do next time to make it better?
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