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RE: Artificial Intelligence, the race to dominate the world.

in #ia5 years ago

Hello @creativeblue

Everything you raise is very reasonable that arms race was displaced by the new era of AI, we must keep in mind that many of the current technologies were created for military use, for example the internet.

We cannot fail to mention to two other countries that their progress in AI is very high, only that they know how to keep low profile are South Korea and Japan. These two countries must be taken into account since their progress is aggravated with respect to other countries.

Many years ago I read an article, these Asian countries have something very particular and it is their letter or alphabet ... according to that article the programming language is much simpler and easier to use, since a word in your language can be one or two characters in the programming language, unlike the alphabet we use in the world, that feature allows them to advance much better in the programming language, so they have a better chance of moving forward.

Because I say all this, as you well know since you play the topic, everything breaks down into two important factors in the programming and the zero digits "0" and one "1" on that everything depends absolutely everything on the programming.

And that can make a big difference in this AI career. who in the end will succeed more?
We can't say that yet ..

We only have to keep watching from afar.

Greetings from Venezuela I send you a big hug.


Excellent comment @lanzjoseg

we must keep in mind that many of the current technologies were created for military use, for example the internet.

Indeed. Most technologies are adapted by military first. I'm quite interested if military can compete in that area with current tech and IT giants. I hardly doubt so.

Yours, Piotr

Hello Friend @crypto.piotr,

Interesting question, also some time ago I read something about it but what was discussed in that article was that the military requested specific weapons and in the way or development of them was the civil utility.
So in one way or another they are somehow precursors in all kinds of things we use in our lives.


 5 years ago  Reveal Comment