All Work And No Play...

in #iamalive5 months ago

New Places, New Friends

A some of you know, we recently moved from Michigan to Missouri as political refugees from Whitmer, and because it's conducive to homesteading here, and that's what my wife and always dreamed of doing.

Work, Work, Work...

Every since we got here, we have been working pretty much nonstop. We have taken a few breaks and saw a show, but other than that, we've been busting our butts getting our small homestead set up and running. So when a coworker asked if I wanted to come to her family Halloween party, you know I said yes!

Our new friend!

Family Friendly!

My coworker is about 60 and getting ready to retire. She explained that this party was going to be family-friendly Anne and that there would be a few adults drinking, but not many. If you know me and my background, that sounded just fine. As a recovering addict and alcoholic, I'm not one for much partying anymore...

The inside of their family pavilion

Feeling Welcomed...

My coworker was glad to see us when we arrived and took us around to everyone, literally everyone, and introduced us. There were a lot of kids there enjoying games, and everyone was snacking on the treats that were provided. It was a strange experience for me and far different than most parties I've been to. No one was passed out or fighting. It was great!


Along with the games and food, they also had Decorations everywhere. They had an area set up like a cemetery and really had just gone all out for this party.

The adults...

True to form, there was a fire pit where most of the adults were hanging out. The property is owned by my coworker's family and kept for functions like this. They have a pavilion and bathrooms as well as a kitchen area. Ironically, I want to have the same type of setup for my property eventually, so I was really looking at how they had done it.

Here, you can see the pavilion setup.

Excellent Evening!

Here is my wife and Ruth, the lady who was kind enough to invite us and make us feel welcome in our new home state. She knows we are new here and she has been very kind the entire time I've known her. I can not tell you enough how the people are just different here. Sure, there are people who don't dumb things like in every city, but overall, most people here Ara just kind, whereas in Michigan, people always seem to have an attitude with everyone.

And that's all I got to say about that! Thanks for reading, and happy Halloween!