The word "occult" has a very negative connotation, but you are correct, it simply means "concealed". The word by itself, if properly used, is just a word.
Sometimes people mix the word "occult" with another word or phrase "a cult", which is also misunderstood. "cult" simply is a shortened form of "culture". If someone says "He's in a cult", it has different connotations than what they're really saying "He's in a culture." Ok, everyone's in a culture! Culture is part of life! Many (I would argue most) cultures are positive and healthy! What they mean to say is "He's in a DANGEROUS cult."
There are dangerous cultures out there... ironically often occultic. They dabble in forbidden and hidden knowledge and harmful practices, like trauma based mind control and spiritual wickedness including summoning demons. We like to think these things are not real, but they very much are real and people who collectively mess with the occult are in a dangerous cult.
Otherwise the words "occult" and "cult" are fine words!
On a scale of 1-10 how do you evaluate your self-esteem?
I of myself am a zero, but after surrendering my mind/body/soul sovereignty to the Most High God, I have become an 11. That has become my identity and my potential. How can I not have excellent esteem towards one who is service of the Most High God of the Universe?
I identify this spiritual culture as extremely positive and self-affirming. My mission statement: Greater is in me than is in the world, therefore I do not love the world nor the things in the world, but I seek the reign of God and His righteousness daily. Nothing hidden or occult about it, this message is shouted from the rooftops.
@ironshield Interesting connection between cult and culture. More interesting is the understanding of language and its use as a weapon of mind control. Language is and has been used as an inversion to create confusion. When one is confused and kept in a state of confusion, one's thought process becomes irrational. These states of consciousness prevent the rising of awareness, of consciousness, of ascension.
If we are created in the image of god as the bible states, then god created perfection and we are perfect in the image of god.
All the best in sovereignty, peace, love, and abundance.
The kingdom sends.......
A great explanation, this is a great summary.