You can be alone but not lonely...

in #iamalivechallenge5 years ago



I know many people who live alone say their biggest challenge is loneliness.

For me, I can truthfully say, I am alone but not lonely. For one, I have my four-legged roommates... one is never truly alone with pets around you.

But it is more than that... I have only to log into any number of apps or websites and I find my friends waiting there to chat or work. We don't worry about how our hair looks, or what we are wearing, or if we have make-up on. They are there for us, unconditionally there!

I have several small online businesses and some 30 websites that keep me occupied. My church family is there, my choir family is there, my "real" family is there and my online family there. And in my several major chats, I have friends from around the world. Our time zones are different, our cultures are different, our languages are different (thank goodness for translators) and our cuisines are different.

If nothing else, this "mess" has brought is all closer together. We sign off with "Be well" or "Be safe". We view our differences as a positive influences on us as human beings.

And we are, once again, finding kindness...

Be well... Be safe... Be kind.


Great that you are not lonely Renee, and those cats look very comfy, stay safe, awesome and alive.