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RE: Toilet Trouble - Constipation and IBS Bloating

in #ibs7 years ago

Love your suggestions except

Not sure about coffee... there are 2 popular variations of IBS, 1 type experiences diarrhea and the other type experiences constipation.
Because coffee is a diuretic, it will dehydrate the body. If you are suffering constipation, the last thing you need is further dehydration.
I would suggest aloe vera (inner leaf only) as this stimulates the peristaltic action in the gut

In addition, I have had IBS in the past and I share my experience here if you would like to have a read and provide feedback?


Hey, thanks for your reply, I have the painful and bloated type IBS which is so frustrating as never know what day your gonna get, just like life being a box of chocolates! lol I will get some of alow vera again I tried it for a few months and also tried Kefir for over a year every day, nothing really made a difference, eat no bread really at all, I eat well but only proper food not processed at all so hard to find the cause, wish I could, I've even done a bentonite detox for a month at a time just in case it was some sort of bacteria/parasite in the gut - but still have this nuisance thing 5 years on. grrrrr ;) maybe one day it'll go as quick as it came. :)