Doomguy walked up to the table and started talking about some other heroes.
"Looks like there are a couple other heroes AWOL and perhaps another one running late who probably won't get here in time. I might as well get going so you can close up shop a little sooner."
Meteora nodded as Doomguy started to walk away, but Doomguy paused when he saw Chick Norris. Doomguy reached down and patted Chick on the head. Turning his head towards Meteora, Doomguy said, "We have a duty to make sure that no monster lays their hands or paws on this little guy -- not after what the hellspawn did to Daisy..."
"Daisy?" Meteora asked.
"My old pet rabbit," Doomguy replied. "Beheaded and piked by those demonic bastards."
Meteora nodded. "I think we need to be more worried about what monster Chick's going to maim next..." Doomguy and Meteora both chuckled, and then Doomguy walked away, this time for real.
Stage 5 result validated. Doomguy skips. 0 life points banked (current total 12).