Odins Beard Shakens! You load a deadly fire magic arrow into that deady bow-rifle of yours, take an almost too long aim and release in a swift move. You do a large amount of damage, its a hit of 10 points. We can almost hear you mumble too easy...
You load your bow and prepare for a powerful shot Pathetic! The string breaks and people watching laugh, ashamed you turn into a coward bird and fly away - you lose a life
Odins Beard Shakens! You load a deadly fire magic arrow into that deady bow-rifle of yours, take an almost too long aim and release in a swift move. You do a large amount of damage, its a hit of 10 points. We can almost hear you mumble too easy...
Little sod! Now where was I? Oh yes, spider!
You load your bow and prepare for a powerful shot

Pathetic! The string breaks and people watching laugh, ashamed you turn into a coward bird and fly away - you lose a life
Oh cripes, this isn't going well!
Your about to loud you bow and shoot

unfortunately the strain is too much, you have a hear failure and loss a life
You still have 2 life points: