
uuuuugggghhhh spiiiideeeersssssss

But, being the practical gal that Winifred is, she decides to make use of the spider first so patiently collects enough webbing to sell on the black market to wannabe Spidermen at the next Comic-Con Convention.
Once she has done this, the fight is on ...


Thank you for noticing, mwhahahahaha.


You draw and jab with your sword:
Wow! It almost looked like you knew what you were doing lol, suprised the enemy is damaged with a hit of 5 points.

sweeeeeeeeeet! squeaked through, but a victory nonetheless!

It appears that Winifred may have the gift of the gab because after her financial windfall at Comic-Con she appears to have started a trend.
she was sent this photograph from some fans ....

Lol! nice pic - swift work with this stage :)

Stage 4 result validated. 3 life points banked (current total 10), 3 flawless victories. Level 1 achieved.