Ice hockey is the only sport I intend to follow at the Winter Olympic games. And the tournament started fabulously. Slovenia's first match ended in the overtime victory against Team USA.
Lynx team trailed 1 to 2. They evened the score 97 seconds from the finish with a six to 5 players effort. The captain Jan Muršak did the damage to US morale.
Shortly after the overtime, with three players on the ice on each side, started, Slovenia did it again. Great effort from all the players resulted in Muršak's score again.
Yes, I am aware that Team USA is without NHL players. Who cares. It's their problem. History was made today.
Super :)
To pa je bilo ;)
Proud to be Slovenian :)
Uzival sem! Top tekma. Res me presenečajo Slovenski športniki v ekipnih športih, ker premikajo meje in nas razvajajo z nerealnimi rezultati! Go #teamslovenia 😎
Res je. V ekipnih športih je prišlo do kvantnega preskoka v glavah.
Danes sem začel gledati pri zadnjih dveh minutah. Ravno pravi čas :)
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