Since heading west would send you into the woods possibly towards the forest landing spot you deiced to go up to your ship and take a look at the maps. As suspected the computer was able to build out some better mapping of the area. It looks like it will take three days to reach the landing spot in the forest.
While you could just take the ship up and go land in the forest location. That would leave the pathway there unsearched. You decided instead to pack up the emergency shelter and enough food cubes to last the trip.
The great thing is that the computer has already declared a safe landing spot. The ship will meet you there. While out in the wild, the computer will also be using your wristwatch to gather further details like it has been about the area in finer detail than it did from orbit.
You set off the trail that seems to be remarkably taken care of despite the fact there appear to be no living creatures to have made it in the first place. The path forward was rather flat and straight so you could see for what felt like miles. It looked all the same almost down to how the trees were on either side.
It was not until this point walking through what would be an endless sea of trees for days on that that you looked at them. Most of the trees in this part of the forest appeared to be some kind of species of pine.
The trees were this amazing emerald green in color. They were giving off this amazing resin odder that made you think of being warmed up by a campfire in the middle of the woods somewhere. The needles on the trees danced slightly in the wind as the branches swayed back and forth.
On occasion, there would be a strong breeze that would pass through the trail like a wind tunnel. This made things a bit more interesting as you kept a watchful eye out for any kind of tree debris. There were never any despite the breeze sometimes making you slide slightly forward.
The winds on this moon were quite powerful at times. Thankfully they were rather brief while on this trail. They almost always showed up at the top of every hour which just added further mysteries to the entire moon.
Before you knew it the first night of three had arrived. You set up the emergency shelter in quick order and even collected some wood nearby to make a small fire. While you never needed to cook the food cubes you had it was sometimes nice to heat them a bit on a warm rock before consuming them. The smoke also added a light flavor to their rather greyness of them.
You went to bed and not a single thing disturbed your rest. Since the trail was rather flat you had little trouble feeling asleep. You dreamed of chasing clouds and yet every so often you would hit run into a dome with a loud thud allowing the cloud to escape you.
The next two days were just more of the same. It was quite an easy walk with nothing occurring throughout it. It seems as if this was just a passing ground of sorts.
On the last night as it started to get dark, you could see the lights from your ship ahead. At some point, it had relocated to the forest landing spot. You would have at least thought you would have seen it flying past you if not at the very least heard the engines. You however never even noticed.
As you make it to the site you decided to spend a night sleeping on the ship itself. It has been a couple of days and sleeping in the emergency shelter had lost some of the fun of being under the stars.
Playgroundai.Content is written by @Enjar of @Enjargames. AI artwork was created using
If you wish to support this project further many of the AI-generated artworks will be up for sale on NFT Showroom in the Ice Planet gallery once they have been minted and released.