You decided to investigate the water cave. You walked into the underpass before having to crawl on your knees since the space was getting to be quite tight at the small entrance. You were getting soaked in ocean water that would sometimes splash up over the rocks.
After crawling for a short while the cave suddenly opened up allowing you to get to your feet. While the first couple of steps into it are still wet as some puddles of water remain. It was not long before you found mostly dry ground.
Thankfully the wristwatch had a flashlight on it. It almost sensed that you were in a dark area and needed some light assistance. It seemed to light the way forward like it was trying to tell where it was safe to go.
You can now clearly see the cave is covered in stalactites and stalagmites. Temperatures down here are also much cooler. You thought perhaps if this was not so far away from the landing spot this would not make a bad spot to escape to if the above-ground temperatures start to become unbearable. You are not quite sure what you would do during high tides but it was reinsuring that there were options on this moon such as this cave just in case. Granted that is rather pointless since your ship should have more than enough cools onboard to keep you safe.
After walking a little further you take another look around. You don’t recall seeing any caves on this part of the map when you checked before landing on the moon. So you are certain they don’t connect to the main cave network. It is also a cave along the coastline so you expected it to be rather small.
It was at least a lot bigger than you were expecting. You spent a few more hours going deeper and deeper inside. You were not sure what you were expecting to find down here. It was more for the adventure than anything else.
Every so often you would stop to scan the rock face of different sections of the cave. The computer would report back on the wristwatch's tiny display that it had trace elements of iron or silicon. There did not seem to be anything of high value here at last so far.
At one point the cave started to get rather restrictive again. You started having to crawl on your knees just to move forward. Every so often it seemed like the ceiling was getting just a tad shorter as you went.
You also had to go around any stalagmite you encountered partly blocking the way forward. On one occasion you managed to knock one loose from the ground allowing you to easily move forward as there would have been no other way.
Then you got to a point where it looked rather questionable if you would even fit through a tight space. There are however tactics one can employ to try to get through. Do you turn around now and go back continuing where you left off exploring north or attempt to get through the tight passageway?
Playgroundai.Content is written by @Enjar of @Enjargames. AI artwork was created using
If you wish to support this project further many of the AI-generated artworks will be up for sale on NFT Showroom in the Ice Planet gallery once they have been minted and released.