Hiveway is a decentralized open source informal community. The servers will be hung on Amazon Cloud, and client information will be put away haphazardly in three Nodes, to avert information misfortune. The clients will have full control over their information. hiveway will be perfect with other
informal organizations, its calculations will be intended to enable you to tune whether you're getting news about the world or news about your group, and will make those levers obvious and controllable.
The stage highlights and inward economy will be energized by the Way Token. Every one of the clients and diggers of the stage will profit straightforwardly from the substance they make, barring the inclusion of any middle person player. hiveway will offer customer focusing on alternatives and promoting devices to its clients and to any gathering required, in return for the Way Token. The increases will be disseminated straightforwardly to the stage clients, as per their adherents on the stage, and the action on the various social stages on which they initiate.
The present interpersonal organizations depend on the clients need to total and get affirmation for their activities. Since their origination, their frameworks have grown to an ever increasing extent
towards pitching the clients consideration regarding outsiders, as opposed to satisfying their basic needs. We are currently at a point where the clients of a system just get access to the stage's fundamental individual utilities, in return for their whole movement on that stage, while the stages themselves profit by pitching access to these clients consideration regarding brands and advertisers around the world. We see no issue in offering this entrance for promoting, as long as everybody has a decision in it, and as long as the money related benefits achieve the group whose consideration is being sold.This is the reason hiveway will be centered around conveying appropriate an incentive to the concentration, consideration and substance inclinations of its clients, alongside the privilege to control it through voting and by applying individual abilities. Obviously, hiveway will be a major advancing framework that should be specifically keep running by somebody. So the stage focal administration will be chosen by its clients through voting, and will just serve the group for a foreordained term, similar to the appointive framework.
Decentralization anddata protection
All data of the network will be kept in many network nodes, run by miners, with no central authority having access to any of it. These nodes will communicate with each other to ensure network synergy without threatening data security and confidentiality.
Anti counterfeit measures
Each hiveway user will be uniquely represented in the platform. Anti-counterfeit mechanisms will ensure, using picture, alias similarities algorithms, and behaviour on the platform that profiles are genuine and that public influencers cannot be impersonated by malicious users.
From a functional perspective, Hiveway will choose the best
Features from Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, but the platform will be more Twitter-like.
The hiveway network will be comprised of interconnected autonomous nodes, filled with different people, interests, languages, and needs. The nodes are run by Hiveway miners that will receive tokens as a reward sharing their hardware resources. To provide initial capacity requirements, the platform will have a minimum number of 3 nodes deployed in the Amazon cloud. hiveway will be a network of thousands of unique, interconnected nodes. The system is designed in such a way that no node will keep all data of the network, to prevent centralization. Each node will have it’s own community of users, and will have its data replicated to 3 other random nodes, to make sure data remains available if a node fails.
The current implementation of hiveway is built on top of the open-source Mastodon social network. The Mastodon core was altered to provide decentralization, blockchain integration and more features specific to hiveway. The technology used is Ruby on Rails for the backend and React.js for the frontend. Two databases are used – PostgreSQL and Redis. Ruby was chosen because of its fast prototyping features that are very necessary in a rapid evolving environment.
Decentralized social network
The major social networking services are centrally governed. There are companies providing the services, and only they have the authority to control the information from the users. It is very difficult or impossible for a user to recycle their own data and use it on another network. Their social circle, messages, photos or other applications are stuck on the platform they placed them on, with no automated service available to operate something like this. No one wants to keep registering and re-declaring their friends on each and every social platform. Each social network will present theinformation about you in a certain way, according to their design and interests.
Currently, users lack complete control over how this information is presented or over what information is offered.
Token Details
The hiveway Platform will be fundedby selling the Way Token to the community. The Way Token is a standard ERC20 token that can be used by multiple wallets and trading platforms. The token will be used as the only currency for interacting with the hiveway platform. This Token will be used as utility on the platform, help grow community through referral programs, activate post boosts, power marketing campaigns and be used as pay for all jobs necessary within the Governance Boards and for its development.
An initial pre-ICO will be launched in March 2018 and the main ICO opening round is set to follow in april 2018.
30.000 ETH
The maximum crowdsale cap is set at Unsold tokens from the crowdsale will be burned. with accepted contributions in ETH. BTC will be used for contributions higher than 1 BTC. The initial price of 1 WAY will be 0.000125 ETH.
The WAY tokens will be allocated as follows:
1 WAY = 0.000125 ETH
Our system is designed to take into account recent events of wallet theft and phishing during ICO campaigns. This will be mitigated by using secure multi-sig wallets and by converting a significant amount of the ICO to fiat currency when possible.
We will also continuously monitor for phishing sites and will alert all Contributors through press releases and newsletters. We will communicate official information regarding wallet addresses only through email to registered members.
Our deflationary mechanism creates intrinsic value and a relationship between the platform growth and token value. The purpose is to mitigate the effects of earlier ICOs in which the tokens had a large demand on the first months, and then flattened, leaving the value at almost zero. Our operating strategy includes periodical contact with Contributors through a mailing list and/or newsletter in order to keep them updated on current status of development, marketing, clients, and revenue. This strategy allows us to gain feedback from Contributors and keep them updated with the most recent news and developments.
For more information, visit:
Authored by Danny_yell:;u=1273420
very interesting!