Datum service is a NOSQL database that allows you to store a huge amount of information. Access to this information will be available only to those who an owner will share it with. Thus, users can not only store data, but also share it with other people, as well as sell, which should significantly increase the interest to this service. In other words, the service returns control over the data to its owner, creator. Datum also guarantees the anonymity and confidentiality of all operations performed by users. Owners of storage facilities - miners - will have to provide quick access to data and do everything for the convenience of customers.
Internet users daily execute a huge number of transactions, and most of these operations do not belong to them. Well-known companies like Google and Facebook are thriving at the expense of a huge share of user information in exchange for free services. The founders of the project put forward their own business law in this case: "If you do not pay for any service, then you are not a Client of this company, but you are its product."
he system offers a DAT token, which is the property of the Datum service, which will go on sale. By purchasing an unlimited number of tokens, data holders can use them to pay for the storage of their information. This information will be stored on special storage nodes in any form convenient for a customer. In turn, the owners of these stores will receive money for this.
For the creators of the service, information is a commodity. The main goal form is to exchange data on the global scale. Every day on social networks, users create and download a huge number of files and images. They exchange data around the clock. Moreover, many data are not protected and can be used by unauthorized persons and services. Many systems use other people's data in exchange for services that are not paid for. But you can get good money for good and useful information. Datum will allow people to be the owners of information and realize it at their own discretion. Data from social networks and the Internet, from mobile applications, from various kinds of electronics, from smart homes and cars are periodically loaded and encrypted. Then they are archived in the repositories. From that moment an owner decides how to dispose of the information. He can leave it for long-term storage, or sell it to other interested people. The owner only pays a small commission for the storage in the form of DAT tokens. The person who wants to purchase the data transfers the necessary part of the DAT tokens to the account of the owner and the sales procedure is performed. Thus, the data will be monetized.
Corporate organizations, such as research agencies and financial corporations, are considered to be the main Datum target audience. All of them can extract a lot of useful information from this service. For example, the prospect of a huge market opens for them. For such organizations, the use of repositories will help to optimize their work to the maximum and will allow increasing the volume of information to be realized by increasing the number of clients. Business partners will be able to buy the necessary information quickly and directly, without using any intermediaries. Also, the form and amount of data will not matter.
The advantage will be the use of IPFS, tokens are offered on the standard Ehereum (ERC20). The security system is not perfect yet, but Datum uses all the best services and functions for its work. They also published their code on the GIThb platform, showing the same openness to users. Essentially, anyone can use the service
Users have full control over privacy settings and can fine tune with whom to share data:
- Share disabled
- Share with specific, identified and known data consumers
- Share with specific, identified and known data consumers for a minimum fee
- Share with everyone
- Share with everyone for a minimum fee
The Datum Client empowers users to take control of all their data and optionally share or sell their data through the Datum network. The Datum Client is being designed for a large number of various platforms such as mobile and desktop. We are also designing support for embedded device platforms used in IoT devices, electric cars etc. to unlock the value of such device data.
Data Network Incentives, Datum network have different incentives.
Users: - Control of use of data
- Secure and infinitely scalable data storage
- Monetization of data Data
Consumers: - Direct access to validated and verifiable data
- Lower costs by eliminating “data broker” middlemen
Storage Node: - Rewards for hosting data and providing compute power
In addition, Datum Network will rely on buyers to validate data and regulate fake or invalid data. However, the data validation mechanism can be implemented going forward and Datum also plans to implement a trust ranking system for all users. Data Consumers can request for data. Ultimately, it is down to individual network users to grant access to data. The credibility of data consumers is an important aspect to datum. As such data consumers will be incentivized to build a trusted track record in handling data responsibly. The Datum network fixes this by empowering its users to determine who gets access to their data.
DAT tokens are utility token and cannot have a performance or a particular value outside the Datum Platform. While the platform is so important is that Datum network is being built to enable the input of multiple types of data, and allow user control of the said data types.
Webiste: https://datum.org/eng?locale=en
WhitePaper: https://datum.org/assets/Datum-WhitePaper.pdf
BountyOx Profile - @valentinaos