Has the Bitcoin bubble already burst?

in #ico7 years ago

JC at AllStarCharts asks whether the Bitcoin bubble has already burst and that it’s now performing similar to other assets after a crash. He even makes the case that Bitcoin is underperforming the likes of Nvidia and Amazon.

I think a lot of people are asking the wrong question. To me, it’s not whether or not Bitcoin is in a bubble? It’s whether or not the bubble in Bitcoin already popped?

What we care about when it comes to supply and demand dynamics is how the asset has performed since the bubble popped. In the case of Bitcoin, to me it’s crystal clear that a bubble popped in 2013. Again, it’s not that I’m suggesting it was “the” bubble, but an 86% crash from high to low? Yes, that is the definition of a bubble popping. The bitcoin enthusiasts argue that there were plenty of crashes prior to that, which is fine. Moving forward, from any sort of structural perspective, this 2013-2015 crash is our point of reference. Crashes prior to that led to that run up we saw into 2013.

It certainly seems reasonable to believe after reading this post.