First of all, we would like to thank the community for all the comments and ideas they share with us. Allowing us to improve on a daily basis our approach of spreading the word about Birdchain. Here are some ideas:
- ICO marketing is a fortune required endeavor. You would not believe how much people charge when they find out that you are running an ICO. For example, 10 not unique articles in poor-portals can cost you 19 000 USD!!! It is ridiculous to pay such amount and we do not do it.
- Airdrops are much cheaper in the end.
- And they attract people who have at least some basic knowledge about crypto universe.
- Yes, some of the participants won't contribute to our cause.
- BUT all of them become a part of the community that spreads the word about Birdchain.
- AND they increase our statistics in various ways.
- An actual contributor before he decides whether to contribute or not always checks if the project has a large, vibrant and supportive community!
- Furthermore, airdrop-seekers joins communities here on Telegram, FB, Youtube, and others.
- When a person holds at least some of the tokens he wants for the project to succeed. Even 10 BIRD tokens or 500 BIRD tokens or 1000 BIRD tokens.
- For example, Raju was very lucky and got 100 000 BIRDs in our airdrop. Now he is one of the most supportive members and he has already invited a lot of people to our communities.
Most importantly, we are NOT giving away our tokens to anyone for free. Everybody has to earn them. We really thought this through:
- The numbers of winning BIRD tokens are 10 to 100 000 BIRD tokens. These numbers were selected carefully.
- In order to participate, a person has to watch our video — that is good for us because it increases statistics on YouTube.
- Then he/she has to comment, thus increasing engagement and increasing chances of video being shown to the wider audience.
- Then a person has to watch the video again to find out if he won — increasing statistics!
- All of our videos are firstly focused on the news of Birdchain and communicating with ALL OF YOU, airdrop is secondary.
- So, even when people come for airdrop, they end up learning something about Birdchain, about our lives, our ICO.
- Plus, the knowledge we gather from your answers has no price tags but gives us a lot of valuable information
- Plus, to answer the question of the day, person has to read through our white paper — learning about the project increases chances of liking it and contributing in the end.
*In addition, our way of airdroping is kind of addictive :). Not to viewers but to us as well.
All in all, we are SUPER thankful to our contributors, but the airdrop is going to stay, because we believe it is useful for us, for our community, and the contributors as well. If we will notice that our airdrop is not delivering, we will change it or discontinue it. So far it brought mostly good things for all of us :).
So, please, watch our video, share them with your friends and tell them to subscribe. The more people will know about us, the better it is for everyone in this community. :)
Great Project guys!
One of the best on the market at the moment.
Thank you! Keep supporting us more news will come out soon! :) Also if you have any ideas please do share them :))