The Webcoin ICO bounty campaign can earn you free money if you are on Twitter or Facebook. $50 of free money in fact. In seconds.
You get 50 Webcoin tokens for following them and sending 1 tweet (the text of the tweet is very specific). 1 token will cost $1 in the ICO so you get $50 of free coins for following them and sending 1 tweet. No further tweets or re-tweets are required and no further Twitter bounty can be earned. The tokens will be sent after the ICO and can then be traded. From what we gather from the whitepaper, the tokens will earn you further tokens if you keep hold of them and install their lite mining program on your PC. Of course, you don't have to do this, you can just keep hold of, or sell your coins when they become tradeable. The coins are issued on the Waves platform, so if you haven't already downloaded Waves, you will need to do this to get a Waves address for the bounty.
For about 5 minutes work this is a good use of your time.
Here's the ICO bounty link:
just cuz ICO scam price is set to $1 doesn't mean you can sell them at all...
all you do is advertise their scam
You are right. But it doesn't cost anything but a couple of minutes
At first I was like "a tweet doesn't cost me a thing, will do it even for a maybe". And then I saw the requirement for 500 followers :) I'm sorry, but I'm not that popular.