in #ico7 years ago

There is a great importance and orderliness in putting the horse before the cart. So, by putting the horse before the cart, I will like to give the definition of "Protocol". A protocol (computing) is a set of formal rule describing how to transmit or exchange data, especially across a network. So therefore, MEDIA PROTOCOL is a set of rules governing the flow of value between publishers, creators and content consumers in the Marketing and Advertising industries.

MEDIA PROTOCOL enables a relationship the publishers and content consumers without interfering by creating a direct economy for the exchange of data, contents and incentives including financial incentives. the MEDIA PROTOCOL has created a convenient environment where publishers, brands, and content creators can deliver most efficient, relevant, effective and a fantastic online experience. The experience is likewise beneficial to content consumers.

MEDIA PROTOCOL offers a transparent ecosystem which enables a multidirectional exchange of data, value and reward. There is room for direct exchange of content between the actors without any interference. There is no cumbersome "toll" levied on creators or publishers, and control is fully maintained by each CREATOR. MEDIA PROTOCOL provides a scalable economic foundation that ensures directness, transparency and security. Additionally, the economic function of the protocol is designed to create a direct channel for publishers to promote content through balanced consumption incentives directly to consumers, for consumers to pay directly for gated content and to spend tokens, also rewarding favoured publishers and creators.

MEDIA PROTOCOL rewards actors in form of tokens. Publishers are enabled to directly have incentives from the consumption of content using Media tokens, the company's accompanying ERC20 token allows consumers to be compensated.
Cryptocatnip is the first dApp to incorporate Media Protocol. Cryptocatnip serves as a reference to developers and publishers to create their own app.

There are many ways one can contribute to Media Protocol. One who is interested in technology and regularly read articles and watch videos around the latest technological developments, who also spend time in reading and watching tech contents, sharing it, recording your preference e.t.c will be able to receive a consumption reward from the content publishers in the form of media token on your Media Protocol wallet address. In fact they are consumer focused

1James Tabor

2Thomas Graham

3.Martin Adams

4Mark White

5Josef Sevcik
Blockchain Developer

6Katya Volkova
Head Data Scientist

7Julia Bohutska
Data Scientist

8Gillis Van Den Broeke

9Mahmoud Hanafy
Backend Developer

10Ahmed Mahran
Backend Developer

11Sandra Lagarto
Product Manager

12Vianney le Masne
Lead Designer

13Sebastian Graham
Research & Strategy

14Dan Holloway
Head of Operations

Andy Tian
CEO of Gifto

Kate Cox
CMO, EMEA of GoDaddy

Dominique Delport
Global Managing Director at
Havas Group

Ted Wang
Partner & Early Stage Investor
at Cowboy Venture

Partners & Investors

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Great review!

thanks,if you any project for reveiw contact me here