ThinkCoin which underpins the TradeConnect network

in #ico7 years ago


Since the birth of the blockchain technology, many financial markets have experienced times disturbing effect, the simple fact that this technology is completely decentralized is a great advantage, since centralization lacks transparency, have undue influence on prices of global assets, and can impose unfair accusations, this effect is to change the mentality of many and to succeed, unfortunately, have to adapt to decentralization or suffer sudden death.

These financial markets are dominated by banks and other financial institutions that are responsible

for buying and selling fiduciary currencies are re-emerging to marry additional blockchain of this technology are already in the market with coins for encryption.

This excellent technology is summed up in greater transparency and equality for all market participants.

Know more about the topic that interested me explain why this (ICO), which is developing TradeConnect Limited, which is part of members of ThinkMarkets group of companies. ThinkMarkets is a licensed finance company services company in the UK and Australia, which brings more than a decade of experience with a history of innovation and a strong portfolio of intellectual to use in network TradeConnect property: anything that goes beyond the established goals in our script.

Watch this introducing video of ThinkCoin

Identifying the problem

Financial markets are kneeling before banks and financial institutions that are not entirely transparent, prices are manipulative and impose unjustified burdens.

They have not taken advantage of the opportunities offered by the new blockchain globalization

There are Other limitations also, they are:
• It is not peer-to-peer, creating credit and financial risk.
• There is no transparency in prices and trade.
• Operations and funds can take days to be settled, while operations and funds can take days to be settled.
• There is no flexibility in transfer operations.

The solution

Through the application of cutting-edge peer-to-peer multi-asset trading network will disrupt and democratize the trade was created. This network will be called TradeConnect.

This network will allow users and entities to market directly with each other on equal terms and at a lower cost for all.

Transactions are processed automatically in seconds.

ThinkCoin is maintaining an amazing ratings



Transactions are anchored in models and structures that are decades old. While Think Markets, which is our parent company, has experienced a boom in this world, new technologies have given us new opportunities in the field of financial services, which allows us to consolidate our position at the forefront of innovation. we have developed a trading network where the latest AI technology and the revolutionary new block power chain At Trade Connect merge to unlock the bargaining difficulties of legacy practices. ThinkCoin, encryption currency that will eventually run allow trading of any financial asset, allowing you to run a variety without transaction history. We will use a new technology to develop a network that offers a level of flexibility that has never before seen markets.

What is ThinkCoin?

The ThinkCoin is a digital currency that supports TradeConnect network. ThinkCoin can operate currencies, commodities, stocks and other financial products in a simple, safe and easy-to-use way, by providing operations to the blockchain, The TCO can be acquired through one of our disclosure stages prior to PRE-ICO and ICO or, once the ICO is completed, through the exchange of fiduciary currency and other cryptographic currency through some exchanges.


Why TradeConnect?

Instant Settlement
• Transactions on ThinkCoin can be achieved in seconds because no processing time is required.

• Everyone can work with a platform or broker of their choice.

Blockchain technology
• Smart contracts are made verifiable and hermetic by means of a permanent and unalterable writing in the blockchain.

Experienced team
• A diverse management team that brings decades of experience in financial services.

Connection Fee
• Instead of transaction fees, a connection fee is charged divided between users and the network.

Match AI
• Custom AI combination software means maximum flexibility.

Low cost
• The decentralized protocol does not apply to the broker's usual rates.

Digital Characters
• Complex punctuation models determine the best associations for a negotiation.

How does the system run?

ThinkCoin will provide the necessary capabilities for the TradeConnect network, which will enable blockchain-based commerce at unimaginable speed and scale.
The new network will be combined with intelligent contracts based on a blockchain with independent transactions. With this solution, we benefit from the technology:
• The confidence and integrity of the blockchain.
• the ability to maintain and establish funds in the blockchain.
• The speed at which off-chain processing can be used.

TradeConnect has several advanced features. they are,

• A daily reduction in proportion to the user's participation in the network.

• The Automatic Learning models will drive the price comparison mechanism.

• A margin lending system that will limit lending to the counterparties examined.

• Transaction equivalence mechanism that directly rewards all market makers for network usage.

Token info

Name; ThinkCoin (TCO)

Total offer; 500,000,000

Total allocation; 300,000,000

Hard Cap; $ 30,000,000 USD

Soft Cap; $ 5,000,000 USD

Currency; BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC and Fiat Money

ico info.JPG

The ThinkCoin token has allocates as follows,

token allocation.JPG


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Author; cham12 (bitcointalk username)
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Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📈 24h📈 7d
BCHBitcoin Cash881.573$1.03%1.87%

it sounds like a good sollution for delayed transactions.hope to follow tgis closely and invest some

Im actually surprised that I never have come up with the project. Your articles are great though. Will have a deep look for sure. And keep up the good work.

detailed article, all the important points are clearly explained.