Amanpuri exchange was created to understand and operate without making same mistakes as it's competitors in the blockchain space. Amanpuri intends to provide 100% safe and reliable work environment to crypto traders by rendering high level services equally to users regardless of geographical locations.
Amanpuri implemented the KYC verification procedure to help users increase the bonus and loyalty benefits as part of the exchange functionalities. Therefore users can easily pass the identity verification by following the guidelines below:
Login and click on the account tab and also click the shown submit verification documents.Firstly, a crypto trader or enthusiasts need to register on the platform
The verification process applies to all users with genuine ID from countries worldwide and territories outside mainland Japan. Real identity must be utilized during the procedure to avoid failed verification and inconvenience but rest assured, users private data will remain safe and protected.
Documents which can be used for the Identity verification includes;
Passport, Driver's license and Government issued ID card.
Then upload a clear and unedited photo of the document. Also a selfie with a photo ID and note is required for the verification. The note shall contain a real name, application date, web Domian name and personal responsibility which states that " All behaviors on this website is operated by myself and I am aware of relevant risk and willing to take legal consequences".
Finally, submit details and await approval from team.
Summing up, users should understand that after undergoing the KYC procedure successfully, they shall be entitled to future benefits of engaging in events, promos and trade competitions launched by Amanpuri.
Register here :
My Telegram username : @crimson_osito