in #ico7 years ago

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Blockchain has made enormous changes in the tech community.It is the technology that support virtual currency and make sure that all the digital transactions are properly led and recorded.More applications other than the currency can be produced to tackle the technology. Those applications include Distributed cloud storage, Digital identity, Smart Contracts, Digital voting, Decentralized notary and many more….

Today we are talking about one of such applications in grocery industry. INS Ecosystem implements blockchain technology as a marketplace for grocery products. With this customers and manufacturers of the grocery products can make trades using blockchain marketplace.INS Ecosystem has built a complete platform where its users can buy and sell grocery products with ease.Blockchain powers this INS Eosystem in many ways. It will be a decentralized ecosystem where buying and selling of grocery products happens and there are no third parties involved in this trade. Manufacturers will directly sell their items to their consumers.

The basic supply showcase, one of the biggest consumer markets on the planet, is forecast to reach $8.5 trillion by 2020, and it is grocery market.
It is achieving a digital tipping point, with a large amount of its growth to originate from the web. Online grocery, being the objective section for INS, is expected to grow from $98 billion in 2015 to ​$290 ​billion ​in ​2020, ​according ​to ​IDG ​estimates.

Despite this huge growth in the market, the grocery market has two large inter-related problems ​- ​1) abuse ​by ​grocery ​retailers ​and ​2) ineffective ​trade ​promotions.These are the two mains concerns in this market which is needed to be corrected. Retailers are playing big role in the industry abusing the market with surges in the price of the product and include unnecessary prices which in turn increases the risk of the loses for both consumer and manufacturer.

INS is executing a decentralized ecosystem empowering customers to set aside to ​30% ​on ​everyday ​shopping ​buying ​directly ​from ​grocery ​manufacturers.It enables direct interactions between manufacturers and consumers.Also enables manufacturers to market their goods directly to their consumers.It is an effective way to grow the market by benefiting both the parties.
INS aims at solving world issue of grocery shopping.It is the first of its kind in the blockchain technology.Having 4+ year of industry experience INS Ecosystem team is the most efficient team to solve this problem.They have been in this industry since 2013.

Working Module:

Items in the buyer markets constitute the essential thing that activities rotate around. To make it straightforward and helpful, items on the INS stage are required to have a few characterized parameters, for example, name, category, volume, value, ingredients, and, description and so on that ​makes ​it ​simple and easy ​to ​find ​and ​choose ​products ​for ​ordering.

Manufacturer will place their product and Purchasers pick items to purchase, indicate delivery details, and pay in fiat, BTC, ETH or INS tokens. Convenient up on their payment method, purchasers will be qualified to various prices and rewards.Paying in INS tokens make them eligible for different offers and rewards.

It all happens on INS platform which is easy and quick to use.INS platform allows manufacturers to join, publish their products for sale, carry out promotion and loyalty campaigns, and get feedback from consumers. It enables consumers to order those products and facilitates the order fulfillment process.

INS token details:

Total tokens : 50,000,000
Tokens offered in crowdsale: 30,000,000

After ​the ​ICO ​period, ​all ​contributors ​will ​receive ​an ​ERC20 ​exchangeable ​INS ​tokens ​on ​the Ethereum ​network. ​Whenever ​the ​INS ​blockchain ​is ​launched ​with ​its ​own ​token ​mechanism, ​the ERC20 ​token ​will ​be ​always ​accepted ​for ​exchange ​to ​a ​new ​token ​1-to-1. The INS token is a core component of the INS ecosystem and is designed to facilitate all kinds of operations that make the token an integral part of the ecosystem and the driver for its economy. The INS token is fractionally divisible, transferable and fungible.The token balances and transfers will be tracked by INS. In the case of any force majeure, such as large token theft, contract compromise, or a disrupting change of Ethereum protocol, INS may opt to freeze token transfers and issue a new token contract with balances replacing that of the original token registry by certain date. In the case of an Ethereum fork, INS will properly announce which branch ​it ​will ​support.
The INS token is planned to be the only means of exchange for handling all types of rewards and one of the means of payment within the INS ecosystem. We plan that INS tokens will be accepted ​as ​a ​payment ​method ​in ​partner ​services.

Crowdsale and KYC:

Crowdsale sale will beging of Dec 4 and concludes on Dec 25. The ​funds ​raised ​during ​the ​ICO ​are ​planned ​to ​be ​used ​in ​accordance ​with ​the ​roadmap.For more details for the crowdsale you can visit their official website.

KYC rules:
"The tokens are not being offered or distributed to, as well as can not be resold or otherwise alienated by their holders to citizens of, natural and legal persons, having their habitual residence, location or their seat of incorporation in the country or territory where transactions with digital tokens are prohibited or in any manner restricted by applicable laws or regulations, 37 or will become so prohibited or restricted at any time after this Agreement becomes effective (“Restricted ​Persons”). We do not accept participation from the Restricted Persons and reserve the right to refuse or cancel the INS token purchase requests at any time at our sole discretion when the information provided by the purchasers within the KYC procedure is not sufficient, inaccurate or misleading, or ​the ​purchaser ​is ​deemed ​to ​be ​a ​Restricted ​Person"

Team details:

INS founders, Peter Fedchenkov and Dmitry Zhulin, have known each other since 2010 and work together ​since ​2013. ​INS ​is ​supported ​by ​world-renowned ​advisors.

For more information you can look at the following sources:

Bitcointalk username: Crypto1992 Official website: Whitepaper link: Telegram: Twitter: