Meet Arweave, a new data storage blockchain protocol on a novel proof of access consensus mechanism, creating truly permanent data storage for the first time.
Wait, stop, am i going to write just another of those articles spoonfeeding you all the info that is available elsewhere (which is normal for a well hyped project?) Of course not, that`s not how we roll. Go read it somewhere else, for example check this talented Airweave Medium article But come back to me for the review.
As per usual, I am not loading you with technical details, that is readily available in Airweave lightpaper (sic!) , which you can read (and you should) as a part of your due diligence. The lightpaper was a robust and fresh feature whereas you do not spend an hour reading a 40 pages manuscript - the creators nailed it here. We have all stuff to do and aint got all day. We should all thank the team for that, in my opinion.
By the way, check out the team - and the advisors, you will be pleased by the experience and enthusiam of the bunch- they are going for it and have an actual mission. How many projects have a mission and want you to be part of it? We are on a mission together with you guys, they say in their Telegram group that has exceeded the inspiring number of 23000 members at the time of writing which is a good sign of a hyped project. Who knows it can grow easily even more as they still have the time, yes i did hop on the bandwagon and joined their group, and guess whatm, I checked the Linkedin accounts-all legit and connected to some of Airweave advisors, thanks guys. So far so good.
The Airweave webpage meets you with relaxing waves and the sun light falling through the water lighting up the countdown to the mainnet launch which is relaxing the investor as well. Fresh idea again, and how many fresh, not run of the mill ideas does the team have for us up their sleeve?
Let us go on and make us busy ticking the boxes while we sniff or look out for the red flags (non seen by me).
Normally, it is a good rule of thumb in this sphere to invest in blockchain and protocols so definitely it ticks a box here. Why? Basically, blockchain and protocols soak up value from the dApps built on them, that is an axiom.
Hype? Rather. Airweave`s Telegram group is pleasantly crowded and that is without mention on Icodrops. If they do get mentioned which is likely, this would boost their hype even further. But again, the hype is substantial enough.
Something in their tech sounds profoundly right, it looks like a project worth of emerging, like dont we want to save the data without being ultra dependent on data storage owners and censoring governments, so kudos here for the team again!
I was impressed by their "Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." They say it is an explanation for a five year old. Oh. Not sure one will understand and I have never seen a five year old kid invest in blockchain and read ICOs but you never know, they say Vitalik Buterin was already playing with Excel and what not at a tender age of 4 so, let`s take it at the face value here as for sure Vitalik would understand that statement and probably even invest his ETH which he never gives away.
The guys are mentioned in at least 3 popular resources, though I would be careful with that metric, as anyone and their dog is nowadays published on Forbes, etc- remember Rentberry? Hug for everyone who fell for the article and invested. Never again wink, so this is something I notice though not count on much.
What is more interesting is that Airweave has already partners and EVEN dApps built, not bad at all and such early activity gives me hope.
What is the market? Data storage. Data data data tons of data, zillions of USD, obviously data only will keep growing as the mankind loves to produce data, hence the market is colossal, thats a no brainer. Good good.
Airweave comes from Techstars Berlin accelerator. Berlin, the place where creativity and sound pragmatic German engineering are combined. In very old times, engineers from Germany came to Unite Kingdom to help build infrastructure, now we can see that the company that was nurtured in Berlin is registered in London, so again we welcome German talent. We welcome it on UK soil, and hope you will benefit UK economy as we definitely need your taxes aftert Brexit. By the way, lyrics aside, always do check if a project has a legit company registration.
That`s about it for today folks, I hope i drew your attention for that project, as always DYOR, as you noticed i am inclined to think this one is going to be a hit but never stop reserchig yourself, go and read more about Airweave if you got seriously interested.
As always, this is not a financial advice, I am not your financial advisor. Traditionally, I write reviews only on the projects that I am about to invest in. So no astroturfing, no shilling, nothing toxic.
Have a look at Airweave guys, this one took my attention by storm, and it feels invigorating, there must be still time to whitelist, do your thing, as always stay cool and show me you are alive and kicking with your comments, thank you very much.