Papusha Rocket Technology-the world’s first rocket and space technology to produce fuel by using fuel oil residues

in #ico7 years ago

Nowadays one of the main problems facing humanity is global warming. Every year more and more countries and world organizations are inclined to believe that the temperature level is constantly growing, and the ice begins to melt at a higher rate at the polar regions, thereby increasing the risk of flooding certain areas. There is also a problem of increasing air and water pollution in areas where oil is produced. It's no secret that the ecology state of our planet, unfortunately, is so poor.

Oil refineries are usually surrounded by a number of storage facilities that contain a large number of different wastes that pollute the environment. The amount of such waste only increases every day, and pollution control measures remain ineffective or not taken at all.

Past years scientists have predicted the emergence of serious environmental problems in many countries associated with environmental pollution through the release of heavy waste after oil refining. Some of these are already tangible today.

Despite the fact that mankind has already learned to recycle such wastes, the costs of processing are still quite large. Moreover, the cost-benefit ratio makes such processing an ineffective measure.

Papusha Rocket Technology is the world's first platform and part-time rocket-space technology for the production of fuel using fuel residues at oil refineries, proposed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Anatoly Papusha, who also developed the Buran program.

Papusha Rocket Technology solutions

The Papusha platform is working to solve this environmental problem caused by technological progress.

The project combines development in the area of missile technology, ecology, and blockchain. This project will use innovative technologies for the disposal of toxic waste. It should be noted that in addition to waste disposal, this platform will allow extracting from these wastes valuable products, such as synthetic oil, kerosene and diesel fuel.

It is necessary to clarify that the platform has no competitors in this area nowadays and the presented technology is unique. Each PRT used for the processing of by-products has a fairly compact size and is designed for high-performance operations.

Unlike most projects that use blocking technology as a basis in their work, the Papusha Rocket Technology platform already has a minimally viable product (MVP). The PRT-1 technology, created by the team of developers, has already received worldwide recognition and a patent.

The development of the second module (mobile station PRT-2) is expected, its access to the world level, as well as the listing of platform tokens in certain crypto-oriented exchanges in the nearest future.


This project has a large number of positive sides. One such is an attempt to solve the global environmental problem - waste management in the oil industry.

In addition, the Papusha Rocket Technology ecosystem is the first platform in the world that implements the use of blockchain technology for decentralization of waste management in the oil refining industry with a fully working and patented prototype.

If the technology developed by academician A.I. Papusha will gain worldwide fame and will find application in the necessary area, then, of course, it will be able to preserve the ecological state of our planet for many years.

For more detailed information about the project and the terms of participation, I recommend to visit the links below:    

☑️Link to the project:




