Agrotech Farms wants to move cultivation of food and vegetables from the purview of large agribusinesses to the consumer, via the development of nearly hands-off appliances that cultivate specific foods automatically.
ATF Vision
ATF identifies a significant problem in the world that is the lack of organic produce availability and the overuse and abuse of pesticidal and herbicidal chemicals in the environment. In addition to growing organic produce, the ATF appliances also provide environmental and ethical benefits by reducing and removing the entire harvest, storage, and transportation aspects of produce farming as it stands currently. The production and use of ATF appliances is a step along the path to vertical farming structures as envisioned by Professor Despommier. These would be large multi-story buildings in cities that grow crops via hydro- and aero- ponics and significantly cut down on the harvesting and transportation factors of modern farming.
In essence, the ATF appliances are self-contained greenhouses that provide appropriate nutrition through an elegantly designed hydroponics system and light based on the needs of the plants being grown. These appliances have various options including application of CO2 to the plants to stimulate growth and plant mass improvement. These applications are controlled and managed by a specific software, ATF-i, that allows a user to monitor the entire cultivation process through Android and iOS devices. This software will act as an advisor and expert, allowing even novice users to achieve significant yields.
Currently, ATF has a pre-production version of ATF Home running and plans to have a production model developed in Q318. The market for ATF Home is identified as somewhat diverse, from families interested in increasing their intake of organic fresh produce, to chefs and restaurants looking to serve the freshest ingredients possible, to cannabis producers looking for high yields with low levels of effort, many demographics are believed to be appropriate for this technology.
ATF Industrial is the flip side of the ATF Home product, with an aim to be used by those who would be selling produce at higher volume than would be supported by the ATF Home product. From cannabis to cucumbers, large yields could be easily grown year round in any climate with a low amount of effort from staff. These large yields and lower maintenance and staff costs would then support larger expansions and more successful businesses.
ICO Details
Token Symbol: ATF
Token Supply: 5 Million
Preliminary Sale: Feb 16, 2018 - April 20, 2018
Preliminary Sale Hard Cap: 500 ETH
ICO: June 1, 2018 - July 31, 2018
ICO Hard Cap: 40,000 ETH
Price: 1 ATF Token = .012 ETH
Token Distribution:
- 65% - For Sale
- 10% - Reserved by ATF
- 7% - Marketing
- 6% - Team
- 5% - Referral Program
- 3% - Advisors
- 2% - Partners
- 2% - Bounty

ATF is an exciting foray into the agricultural industry, with some very smart technology built around the idea of bringing the production of produce from distant fields to the living room. This change has the capability to vastly restructure large swathes of business, as the ripple effects from this change propagate out. The reduction in factory farming techniques used to grow these produce varieties is an unalloyed good, and reducing the reliance of undocumented workers and polluting vehicles to harvest and ship this produces only increases that good.The technology for software-controlled, micro greenhouses is brilliantly put into practice with the ATF Home product, which controls all aspects of the plant’s environment to produce the most efficient yields. Whether this is tomatoes or marijuana, the high level of detailed control allowed by such a system is a great way to increase yields while reducing crop loss and even the amount of effort needed to maintain the plants. Plants grown by aeroponics or hydroponics don’t need weeding or much maintenance at all, if the control systems in place have the appropriate levers to manipulate.
This token ICO appears to be a good opportunity to invest in a potentially very disrupting business. ATF appears to have a solid business plan with a good grasp of the technological and market challenges they will face. Their business models, based on various levels of funding success, scale up nicely from small to potentially great success, becoming more profitable and scaling up as the income from the ICO grows. In particular, at the highest funding levels, they plan to ‘eat their own dog food’, by creating their own agricultural plants based on the ATF Industry model in order to act as sites to produce food for sale as well as provide potential clients with hands-on experience in a running facility. This use of their own product should spur on even more success, as potential clients can see how such a facility truly works and not have to rely only on presentations and whitepapers.
The agricultural industry, is for the most part, divided into large agri-business holdings and this may make it particularly susceptible to a disruptive newcomer to the market who is marketing particularly at the segment of the population that cares very much about the quality of their food and cares very much about how that food is produced. Ethical and moral concerns about factory farming are on the rise and movements like locavorism have become more common. While ATF may not be a perfect solution to those concerns, it is very much a large step in the right direction towards localizing and simplifying food crop production, which makes it very attractive to the right market.
Additionally, the use of ATF products in the growing cannabis market is very exciting, as this is a market that is very much looking for new and better ways to do things and is very receptive to new technologies and strategies.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://icoveteran.com/agrotechfarm/