A simple way to discover what drives an organism/system is by studying its mode of operation in respect to acquiring its rewards. These include the collaborative efforts, interactions based on shared goals and joint interests, incentivizing, quick decision making processes that in the end, translate to actions that result in desired effect.
One need not look twice at these tiny-sized, complex problem solving insects to understand the concept of self-organization. Ants in search of food, for example, are able to create a complex network trail imbued with pheromones in other to link various sources of food to their nests.
Ant's remain the quintessential eusocial organism. Armed with an elbow shaped antennae and a fiery threatening nature to boot, these hymenopteran's form self-organizing social networks in which "they produce complex seemingly intelligent structures, without need for any planning, control, or even direct communication between the agents". Through the process of stigmergy, collaboration is made efficient.
Power that isn’t really justified by the will of the governed should be dismantled.
Noam Chomsky
Large centralized organisations, Companies unlike these self-governing entities stir up the HR proverbial pond while working to achieve set goals and objectives. Many vulnerabilities revealed as a result of the intricacies of the centralized system include the problems of harnessing collective human interactions, Motivation and coordination costs, cost of physical infrastructure to protect Cash, issues pertaining to the Optimization of the decision making process and the problem of scalability within the traditional system.
In 2016, The DAO launched on 30th April raising well over $100million by the end of it's crowd funding period. The DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) aimed to subvert and modify the centralized traditional decision making system within organizations by deploying ethereum based smart contracts and deciding on matters through token based voting processes. This was to allow for disintermediation, reduce coordination costs, allow for no central point of failure and reduce the downtime peculiar to decision making in large organizations.
However a multimillion dollar hack based on a bug in the smart contract prevented the DAO idea from developing into fruition.
The Scalability, Resilience In DAO's and the Concept of Mutual exclusivity.
Scalability is a familiar blockchain affiliated term relating to speed, ease and efficiency of transactions. For DAO related consensus, it is the "ability of a governance system to process large number of decisions in a given period and increase its rate as more agents participate in the network".
Resilience however, consists of the ability of the governance system to resist bad behavior fraudulence from bad actors as well as tolerate the consequences of poor consideration within the decentralized network.
To enable resilience, a large percentage of active voters have to be on the watch, ensuring that all decisions made prevent bad behaviour. To facilitate the functioning of the other vital half of the consensus engine, very many decisions have to be made at intervals.
However, just as in the proof of stake model wherein nodes validate transactions, subvert the huge computational power and required electrical energy needed in the PoW, (ensuring scalability), if decisions have to be considered by every single voter, the entire organization's bandwidth becomes a bandwidth Much like that of the slowest agents.
Just like a catch-22, the entire network then becomes unscalable at that speed.
The DAOstack is an operating system for collective intelligence. It is an effectively decentralized system that enables the efficient governance of self-organizing collectives. While decentralization is key, DAOstack emphasizes a decentralization type achievable through coherence.
Any resolution of this tension will allow minority decisions (improving on scale) that are guaranteed to be in strong correlation with the majority “truth” (protecting resilience). A scalable governance system ergo, must subsist on a coherent system.
How DAOstack does it different.
Firstly, The DAOstac understands the inherent problems that consist the centralized and decentralized organizational workspace and aims to solve this problems with a stack of adaptive, modular, upgradeable, interoperable and collaborative tools and applications.
The DAOstack ecosystem recognizes the mistakes made by the previous DAO and creates an ecosystem that utilizes foundational tools to solve these problems.
Unlike the the DAO, the Genesis DAO will not store funds directly on its platform.
Also, The token based decision making governance protocol in the DAO is replaced by the reputation based governance protocol in the DAOstack, establishing a meritocratic governance system where people who have made positive past contributions have more influence.
DAOstack Tools.
Solving the collective attention,
Coordination Problem.
A governance system cannot exist without decision been made. To encourage resilience within the ecosystem, participants are awarded incentives for the attention resource. Attention is made a scarce commodity and is monetized in the DAOstack governance system. Daotokens(within the internal DAO ecosystem) and Genesis token(inter-DAO) are given out the agents whose attention the community requires.
Effectively Charting the Decision Space.
Compared to the assembly voting process employed in traditional centralized organizations, the DAOstack utilizes the more efficient Confederation voting process.
The confederation voting process (unlike the flat, centralized voting system) is more scalable with it's inherent ability to make decisions with fewer equally influential agents and the unique feature of delegating other ongoing decisions to smaller parties.
Knowing what to decide on.
With the holographic consensus feature, a positive feedback loop can be created.
Eusocial termites such as termites, use pheromones to build their complex nests by following a simple decentralized rule set. Each insect scoops up a 'mudball' or similar material from its environment, invests the ball with pheromones, and deposits it on the ground, initially in a random spot. However, termites are attracted to their nestmates' pheromones and are therefore more likely to drop their own mudballs on top of their neighbors'. The larger the heap of mud becomes, the more attractive it is, and therefore the more mud will be added to it (positive feedback). Over time this leads to the construction of pillars, arches, tunnels and chambers.
The Holographic Consensus introduce a novel prediction game, in which predictions can be placed on the fate of proposals. With these stake-backed predictions, the predictors provide important feedback to the governing network about proposals that are under or over evaluated.
An open market is much more efficient in signaling than a static governing body.
Proposals can also be boosted(after having passed the stake quota) and this in turn serves as a filtering layer for proposals made.
The Gen Tokens.
Incentivizing tokens, use-cases include:-
- Catalyst, token that fuels the effective navigation of the collective attention of DAOs on top of the DAOstack ecosystem,
- Backs the the prediction games
described above in the holographic consensus. - Useful for effective governance of large organizations.
DAOstack provides the foundational tools for the creation, operation and governance of DAOs, internally and externally within a broader ecosystem. In a nutshell, it can be regarded as an analogue of Wordpress for DAOs, it does for blockchains what WordPress has done for the web.
With the Arc which supports an infinite number of governance elements, Present with a library of schemes and global constraints and promising constant evolution as the DAOstack ecosystem grows, with new templates and modules developed and added.
The Arc.Js that allows for easy, seamless transitioning on top of the arc without the need for much knowledge of the blockchain tech,
The DAO's and Alchemy allowing for interoperability and collaboration amongst decentralized applications as well as fostering the rise of a jointly built an anti-rivalrous economy.
The ArcHives, a public set of registries, curated by the DAOstack community serving its global ecosystem, whilst distributing the profit of centralized traditional social networking back to its content creators, just as the internet did back in the 20th century, DAOstack is set to take the world by storm.
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