in #ico5 years ago (edited)

Greetings to you all readers, in this article i will be discussing what exactly this brand new and pathfinding innovation LYDIAN LION is all about and i will appreciate your standing by till the end.

In the modern internet space, more and more attention is paid to cryptocurrency investments and the investment market and Blockchain is becoming the cornerstone of modern innovation and has the potential to revolutionize the world. Recognizing this potential, we at LYDIAN LION had brought a global social progress board linked to different game-like applications allowing users to earn and spend through everyday activities inbetween have assembled a professional team of budding entrepreneurs and seasoned investors to create an all-encompassing blockchain trading platform. Since cryptocurrency is designed for mainstream adoption, our platform will be a stop-shop for clients that intend to earn huge returns on investment. We will create a user-friendly system that incorporates both traditional markets and the blockchain based assets.

About the project
The Lydian Lion project is something what has been planned for a long time, so blockchain technology made the last part of the project, since it's about rewarding everyone everywhere in a trade-able and valuable asset all over. Everyone was asking in the start to present the project with a whitepaper and also introduce people working on the project, that didn't go well at first since most people working on the project are real-world related with companies and structures that are needed to make the project come to live one day. So the steps further taken on were sort of random and educative purpose for everyone involved.

Though humans are social creatures who really need other parties to solve various kinds of problems that are happening. then from Lydian is here to resolve the current social inequalities by presenting a variety of services that require users to interact together. Lydian will provide services such as trading various kinds of goods or services needed by consumers, but when making an order, users are required to make various forms of transactions so as to create a relationship of mutual need between one party and another.

But the presence of Lydian will change the problems that are happening, this is of course done because the founders of Lydian realize the importance of social interaction carried out by fellow humans to create healthy social relationships. Lydian will present a unique concept to attract the interests of users and join the Lydian platform, of course this can be done by presenting unique features such as giving gifts when users interact with various parties, such as interacting when purchasing goods or services. Where Lydian will give prizes in the form of a number of tokens to users.

The client database will be associated and matched up with all other accomplice frameworks going through Lydian Lion. The database itself will be a p2p based database that won’t be put away anyplace however all over the place. All client/accomplice information will be given straightforwardly and consequently from our database to the end-client. Information misfortune won’t be recoverable except if you have chosen an approach to reestablish the information from the lost record and store or recall the information for recuperation.
Of course, the Lydian Lion platform will also provide a variety of services, one of which is, the platform will give prizes to users who share various kinds of information, activities and other activities. Where then the platform will provide a variety of product offerings needed by users, which products can also be provided by certain agents or communities. In addition, to market the product the Lydian platform will also use special technology, which technology will become the product in the hands of the right consumers. So with this tool, users no longer need to worry about criminal acts committed by fake consumers.

Lydian Lion will dispatch Lydian Life which will be an easy to utilize interface for all clients to show them they've put away information from the database. Lydian Life will be just demonstrating existing clients their put away advance and give them control of what they need to share through a similar interface to different clients. Generally speaking, a UI through which clients can get to all information from all structures in Lydian Lion, see their improvement in the predefined application and tweak their profile.

The accomplice side from it will market and offering their items or administrations. The offer has appeared to the client over the interface as an assignment they can finish and get a reward after culmination. The Partner interface will experience an application that will give accomplices alternatives to modify their profile and offers from various perspectives.

Making the first token for the purpose of crowd sale to raise funds for the project was very important to have everyone involved in the project have at least a common connection to the blockchain network and technology. Quest Global Technologies made it possible to have a stable website running for the ICO we started at first, with some time different people around the world got interested in the project by reading the first whitepaper. Comments on design, marketing and promotion for the project came along with the interest. Not a lot people were interested in contributing to such a project and to unknown people from the team. So extending the team was a crucial task to do.

Token Name: LLion
Total Supply : 50,000,000,000 LLion
Decimals: 5
Centralized Stellar blockchain Token
7,500,000,000 Lydian Lion Tokens will be available during the Pre-ICO for a -50% discount ( 1 LLion = 0.00055 $ ). The Pre-ICO is 2 months starting from 01.12.2019–20.01.2020.
Softcap: None
Hardcap : 20.000.000,00 $
Up to 70% of Lydian Lion Tokens will be available for 4 months starting from 01.02.2020–01.06.2020.
Up to 25% of Lydian Lion Tokens will be available for -35% discount ( 1 LLion = 0.000715 $ )
Up to 50% of Lydian Lion Tokens will be available for -25% discount ( 1 LLion = 0.000825 $ )
Up to 25% of Lydian Lion Tokens will be available for -10% discount ( 1 LLion = 0.00099 $ )



For more detailed informations visit,

Lydian Lion Website: Lydian Lion Medium Page: Lydian Lion Official Telegram: Lydian Lion Official Twitter:

Authorship: Joecolern

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