in #ico6 years ago (edited)

Greetings to you all readers, in this article i will be discussing what exactly this brand new and groundbreaking innovation(Arena Match Gold) is all about and i will appreciate your standing by till the end.

Thanks to the world of technology mixed with the innovation of this company making it possible for the success of this  platform and standing it out in the wild of Cryptocurrency with its exceptional cutting edge effort, as a corner stone and swift transformation to EVOLVE.

Many people in the fintech industry would agree that we are all very lucky to be living in this significant moment in time, where blockchain and crypto have only just appeared on the global scene. Fintech has opened up a new world for business, a world with a lot of room for new ideas and developments , here comes up  (Arena Match Gold)

OVERVIEW OF ARENA MATCH GOLD (AMG) (“Arena Match”) is indeed an up and coming esports gaming application platform with the motive to enable people to wager and contend in Skill Challenges (player versus house), every day high score leaderboards, no holds barred (1v1 duels), group versus group and Battle Royale FFA (free for all) matches for famous web based recreations, for example, PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds), Fornite, Apex, and CS:GO (Counter­Strike: Global Offensive). The making of Arena Match Gold incorporates consistently with our esports application that will be legitimate in most of the United States and over 80% of the world. We will at present offer fiat stores where accessible for conventional clients. Yet, we go for AMGold to turn into a standard token for the esports and gaming biological system, an environment supported by Arena Match. 

Fore Motivation
The esports marketplace is relatively new – and not so many people many are doing it, as a matter of fact, the few that are doing it are not even doing it to standard, they are done without a clear industry blueprint, there’s been no blueprint, because of this every agency has been pioneering their personal way with no enduring result. Having observed their efforts over the year, we believed we can substantially enhance their effort by simplifying them and broadening their audience. 

                  Arena Match Gold (AMG) BENEFITS include:

- Reducing entry fees

- There are no deposit or withdrawal fees

- Reduction or elimination of other fees

- Exclusive content

- AMGold special program only

- Future Products and Services

                                                      PROBLEMS ARENA MATCH SEEKS TO SOLVE

Esports – The major issue facing the industry of esport is that of Matchmaking Liquidity as most of the esports platforms that provide immediate matchmaking options have small player bases; this simply implies that it could be very difficult to locate other challenges. 

 Arena Match GOLD strategic solution

arena suit Gold is ready to construct a successful esports platform that has more than one participant modes, pleasing a ramification of consumer interests, while at the identical time heading off the pitfalls confronted usually experienced by our competitors.


                                               Arena Match Gold Token

AMG is structured as a decentralized ERC20 Utility Token on the Ethereum blockchain arrange for selective use with Arena Match items and administrations.

AMG will fill in as a utility token making a decentralized, network-driven virtual economy. A severe farthest point of 100 million AMG will be made, never to be expanded.

Every quarter will be burnt AMG dependent on the transaction volume of their esports application which will keep on diminishing the flowing supply extra time inconclusively.

The vital utilization of the AMG token is financed to finish the game and offer help for the Arena Match.

                  AMG PLAY MODES

  Battle Royale - Players will be able to pay an entry fee to enter pre-scheduled Battle Royale matches, where they will compete for that match’s top positions. The players who score the best ranks will be paid out from that match’s prize pool, minus a 10% hosting fee kept by Arena Match. 

Highscore Tournaments - Players can compete in regularly scheduled leader board tournaments for specific games with the goal of achieving a high score payout within that period.

Head-to-Head - Individuals or teams pay a predetermined entry fee to queue up and face off against challengers to compete for that match’s prize pool. The platform will keep a moderate 10% of the collected fees for hosting the match.


Token: Arena Match Gold

Ticker: AMG

Protocol: ERC-20 Ethereum Network

Decimals: 18

Soft-cap: 5 million AMG to be Sold / Swapped

Hard-cap: 75 million AMG to be Sold / Swapped

Minimum Contribution: 0.1 ETH

Starting IEO Rate: 1 AMG per 0.0005 ETH

AMG Roadmap

November 2018

Concept Designs and Market Research

December 2018

Partnership proposed to Overwolf

ArenaMatch Company Formation

January 2019

$100,000 Developer Partnership Grant received from Overwolf and Intel

February-April 2019

Full-time Design and Development of Skill Challenge esports App

Flutterwave Merchant Partnership Secured

Berbix KYC/AML Partnership Secured

Omnigate Blockchain Wallet Partnership Secured

May-June 2019

Beta MVP Launch of Skill Challenge esports App with Overwolf.

Arena Match Gold token designed and whitepaper creation

IEO Announcement and Launch

July 2019

Q3 AMG Token Burn based on transaction volume

Highscore Tournaments are released for all games (asynchronous mode)

August 2019

Battle Royale FFA: this synchronous free for all mode allows solo users to battle it out with up to 100 other users for the top 10 paid positions of the prize pool comprised of the entry fees.

September 2019

Head to Head (synchronous mode) for CS:GO released (Counter­Strike: Global Offensive)

October 2019

Q4 AMG Token Burn based on transaction volume

November 2019

Team vs Team (synchronous mode) for CS:GO released (Counter­Strike: Global Offensive)

February 2020

Q1 AMG Token Burn based on transaction volume


For more detailed informations, visit:



                          Bounty0x Username: joecolern


                        This is a sponsored article written for a bounty reward.