Coinseed consequently collects your spare change and invest it in your arrangement of cryptocurrencies. We gamified the creation of investment portfolios and our users can see how other users are getting along it and can even duplicate the best performing portfolios. When a Coinseed user converts their current portfolio to another portfolio, there is a 1% fee on the aggregate asset that is being converted. Coinseed will distribute half of this revenue to the CSD token holders every month. Our application is live in the US and we're intending to make a worldwide release in February.
Coinseed is Making It Easy to Invest in Cryptocurrencies
Invest As Little As $5
Simply connect your bank cards to start collecting your spare change to invest in an arrangement of cryptocurrencies. Or on the other hand set an every day recurring deposit.
Manage Your Portfolio effortlessly
Coinseed users' portfolios with their returns are ranked on the stage so that any user can learn from the best by replicating their portfolios with a tick of a catch.
Generally safe
Just start with your spare change. Generally safe and low commitment.
Portfolio management
Create your own particular unique portfolio from the best cryptocurrencies.
Welcome to the group
Learn from the group and see how others are getting along
Convert your assets
Adjust your portfolio and convert your assets to the best performing portfolios
Coinseed Platform
Coinseed stage has been formally launched as a mobile application on iOS and Android on November 21, 2017. Inside the first 12 days of the dispatch, we have acquired over 2,000 registered users and 1,000 paying users with no paid marketing. This shows the strong interest of users.
Coinseed Platform
Coinseed stage has been formally launched as a mobile application on iOS and Android on November 21, 2017. Inside the first 12 days of the dispatch, we have acquired over 2,000 registered users and 1,000 paying users with no paid marketing. This shows the strong interest of users.
Coinseed stage has two primary features:
Passive investing by keeping your portfolio.
Active investing by changing your portfolio whenever you need to Note that these two features are not exclusive to each other, meaning that a user can either keep the current portfolio or change the existing portfolio to another one. Whenever a user converts his or her portfolio, there is 1% fee on the aggregate value of the portfolio that is being converted.
We encourage our users to make portfolio conversions by positioning all portfolios created by users and their return percentages on the stage. This way our users can learn from each other by taking a gander at other people's portfolios to get inspired or to simply replicate those portfolios. For example: let's say our pseudo-user Zach started off with his $10 arrangement of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin.
However, he discovered that another user's arrangement of Dash, Ripple and Monero performed much better than his own. Zach decides to use this new portfolio with just a tick of a catch. In this process, Coinseed collects 1% of the $10 which translates into 10 cents.
Token Sale
March 20 - April 20
3.5 Million CSDs (35% of total CSD tokens)
Minimum Purchase 0.1 ETH
Pre-Sale Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
Start Date: December 20, 2017
End Date: January 10, 2018
The Number of CSD Tokens to be Sold: 1,500,000 CSD
The Percentage of Total CSD Tokens: 15% (there are a total of 10,000,000 CSD Tokens)
On a final note, make sure you carry out adequate research before investing in any venture.
For more information, visit the following address:
Authored by Lelvin:;u=1275173
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