A short review of jarvis exchange

in #ico6 years ago

  1. Jarvis, what is it?
    For short - but then really short - Jarvis is an exchange that allows multi-asset trading from a single wallet while giving the user the choice to trade in centralized or decentralized mode.

  2. Another exchange ... There are not enough already like that?
    And that's a good question!

Why in fact want to create a new exchange when there are already quite a few and some of which are market leaders? And then, we will not hide it, the middle is ultra competitive because there are more and more who see the day.

So, if the goal is just to simplify the traders' lives, it is legitimate to ask why not just offer platform interfaces instead of making an umpteenth exchange.

Well, at the beginning of the project, the idea was actually to create a multi-exchange trading platform to unify trading. That is, give the opportunity to trade on both FOREX brokers and crypto exchanges while enjoying the features of the blockchain.

There was, in September 2017, a first fundraiser that amounted to $ 1,000,000.

But the Jarvis team has faced several problems.

1- As crypto users know very well, it is not possible to trade FOREX and cryptos with a single deposit.

2- The contacted exchanges were not ready to share their income with Jarvis.

3- There is a strong desire on the part of the Jarvis team to offer an extraordinary user experience, which would not have been possible by:

The obligation to connect to the platform via the exchanges APIs.
• Inability to make deposits and withdrawals directly from these APIs.
• The impossibility of using DAPPs with traditional exchange wallets.

  1. First reason
    3.1. And after all changed!
    In November 2017, the team came to the conclusion that the best thing was to create a new exchange because none of the existing ones could offer the necessary infrastructure to do what they wanted to do, namely to trade anywhere which asset with a single deposit and give the blockchain ecosystem a real utility as a liquidity provider.

On this point, the project is comparable to KyberNetwork, 0x protocol or Bancor; Jarvis is not a competitor of these projects, but wants to complement them and wants to integrate them into its liquidity network.

The idea was then to have an exchange that would trade all assets and that would give liquidity to decentralized applications and other exchanges to facilitate the transfer of money and the interoperability of assets.

This view was not possible with traditional exchanges.
Whether from a technical point of view or from a regulatory point of view.

And then there was this willingness to make Jarvis work with the decentralized exchanges because as Jarvis developed, the decentralized exchanges began to point the tip of their nose, the development team then decided to make Jarvis a
centralized and semi-decentralized exchange . Both at the same time.

This allows the user to choose the centralized or semi-decentralized based on its ideologies or needs, without compromising the user experience, because the two exchanges share the same interface.

This dual nature exchange also makes it possible to introduce decentralization in a gentle and progressive way. It is very likely that in the future, as soon as technology allows, the semi-decentralized exchange will supplant the centralized.

The Jarvis Exchange was created from scratch, which cost a lot of money and took a lot of time.
It is today the only existing hybrid exchange.

3.2. The visual identity of the exchange
Today in terms of UI and UX, there is really nothing terrible and it is the graphic library Trading View is used most of the time.

As Jarvis wants to be an exchange that stands out, the graphics team embarked on a big project to create their own graphic library to offer users an offer that was not possible with existing libraries.

Jarvis also stands out by its unique way of taking and managing trades, it's all part of branding and it's a full-fledged customer acquisition strategy (I refer you to the Jarvis Trader demonstration and its mouse trading in the videos below).

These points are not just details: they are also considered to be assets of the corporation that could be sold or leased. It is possible that in the near future some exchanges would be allowed to offer the graphic chart of Tradingview or the graphic chart of Jarvis
for example.

3.3. The heart of Jarvis
To achieve this vision, it is necessary to have a very particular backend. Let's call it the "Technology Framework" that contains the exchanges and the liquidity network.

It allows to automate the processes of exchange, trading, payments, transfers, to unify the liquidity and to connect the liquidity of the different pools of liquidity, in order to be able to make use case of patient, without effort on the part of the user!
That's the point of automation.

Example: with a traditional exchange, it is not possible to send BTC to an ETH address on pain of seeing his deposit fly away because the backend was not thought for that. We must either go through ShapeShift or make multiple transactions by exchanging the BTC against ETH exchange and sending the ETH on the wallet of the user.

With Jarvis's specific backend it's possible and it allows any asset to become a means of exchange, payment, becoming collateral for a loan or even being leased to a liquidity pool. And all without any intervention of the user.

3.4. Scalability
The Jarvis Exchange must be very scalable because it will accommodate many users for two reasons:

1- By its very interesting multi-asset side: cryptocurrencies, FOREX, stocks, commodities, tokens, etc.

2- By its utilitarian side: it must help the decentralized applications to operate in a simpler way. It must also give more liquidity to certain exchanges.

Therefore, it must allow a lot of transactions and be ultra scalable. There are therefore several matching engines that are set up in order to process the data flow in an automated way.

  1. Second reason
    Whatever the future of the blockchain, the infrastructure that allows the exchange of value is the one that generates the most value.

Take the example of the stock market: what generates the most value in this market is the fact of owning the broker or the bank. Nothing else.

Also, in the future, we will need exchanges to exchange digital, especially assets on the blockchain. Indeed, many financial products will be digitized and a huge part of this digitization will happen on a blockchain to ensure data integrity.

The generation Z which will soon represent 30% of the active mass and which was born in the digital, will need this type of exchanges "without limit". It was therefore important to create the foundations for tomorrow's infrastructure to become future market leaders.

  1. The Token
    Today, we are all buyers of Utility Tokens. At least for most of you who read these lines.

It is a good investment tool because people think that prices will go up with the massive adoption of cryptos or the massive use of the underlying project.

But the problem of Utility Tokens is simple: beyond the fact that it takes a product that works for this token to really have utility, it is necessary that this product is also used and the velocity of the token is relatively slow - Velocity is the speed between when the token is bought and when it is sold.
Moreover they are not related to the real results of the company.

Except ... if you have a Token that distributes income. And this is the case of the Jarvis Reward Token which invites you to be kept

  1. Revenue sharing
    Question: Why buy the token during the ICO when its value risk, like the majority of tokens, to lose 80-90% after the ICO and you could buy it cheaper on the secondary markets?
    The vast majority of ICO's tokens have lost 80%, 90% or even 95% of their values.

So how can you distribute more value?
The answer is simple: and if specific statutes were given to those who contribute to the ICO?

Someone who has contributed to the ICO is someone who is great because it allows the realization of the project and, therefore, he should get a special status that would give him particular advantages.
It could be for example lower fees on the exchange or sponsorship links that pay more.

Most importantly, the Jarvis team decided to create two different reward / reward pools: one for all token holders and one for those who participated in the ICO.

By default, those who hold the token will receive between 20% and 40% of the Jarvis ecosystem revenue (divided between the token holders and pro-rata the number of tokens held).

But next to that, there is another dividend pool that will only be split between those who have invested in the ICO. This second pool will amount to 5% of Jarvis' revenue, which will be split only among TGE participants.

  1. To go further

    Facebook page: https: / /www.facebook.com/jrvdg

    The White Paper: https://www.jarvis.exchange/jarvis_white_paper.pdf The website: https://www.jarvis.exchange The Telegram Group: https://t.me/jarvisexchange The Twitter page: https://twitter.com/Jarvis_Edge The Medium page: https://medium.com/@jarvisedge The Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/jarvis_io