Datum is Blockchain Data Storage and Monetization,Datum is designed for innovators who empower individuals.
Block Explorer Buy DAT Tokens,Product Managers Reach 60,000 crypto enthusiasts Reward users and monetize app data Securely message users via Datum app DevelopersBuild privacy-focused apps without being an expert Secure data on the decentralized Datum blockchain Manage dApp user data with a single line of code.
Datum App for Individuals
Individuals are in control of their data: how much gets shared and with whom
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Datum for Developers
Developers get built-in security and privacy features saving time and money
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Datum for Product Teams
Product teams avoid the headache of storing, monetizing and messaging to users
Datum Network
DAT fuels the exchange of data and storage resources on the Datum blockchain
Powered by the DAT Token
Product teams and developers pay DAT to store data on the blockchain
Datum users earn DAT for sharing their data with Datum partners
Masternodes earn DAT for storing, verifying and transferring data
Advertisers can access permissioned user data with DAT tokens
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