Hello Beautiful People.
In addition to Green Witching I now work for an ICO, http://trive.news/en/home/ .
This got me interested in Crypto besides bitcoin (I'm all about the bitties), so I tooled around YouTube doing a little leisurely research and familiarizing myself with the various personalities.
I really liked Matt and Todd at Crypto News.
Their analysis was on point, and better than that, it made sense. I could tell what they were talking about.
This led to me taking the Wyckoff Institute Crypto trading course at learncrypto.io.
Armed with a little knowledge, II started nibbling in.
I made a great ANT trade, but I put my stop too close and stopped out at $13.50.
That was irritating.
I let it go, but watching the chart, I bought back in in the low $20s range, then I bought more. I think now it was NEO.
In the morning it was pushing $40, if I remember correctly.
I printed up the charts, drew the lines, calculated my new stop, and cackled at my earnings, still frustrated at the $10 or so in the middle between stopping out and buying back in.
It's beautiful.
The chart makes sense.
Life is grand.
I go to my exchange.
I had SOLD my NEO instead of buying more.
Newbie fun.
I hope your Crypto adventures go a little more smoothly.
Bless up!
Know you are loved.
PS, I took a lot of my own meditation advice in my ANT/NEO adventures.
Check out my Green Witch channel at YouTube.