Richard and Gerald received toy guns as gifts from their mom on Christmas Eve, when the following conversations followed after:
Richard: I can’t wait to get into that forest and hunt down a bush meat for our lunch
Gerald: Oh…I see; but why take the risk into a forest for an animal that may not cross your path, since hunting is not really your profession? You can be hurt by those wild beasts, you know?
Richard: In that case, I’ll give “game hunting” a try; existing animal targets, no wild beast, well known target location and you’re sure of achieving results within a set time.
Gerald: That’s my intelligent bro; nice idea…
As discussed; Job hunting is not very different from that, tipped above. The only difference is in the target i.e. gaining a job, while the normal hunting is aimed at gunning down animals.
Over 201million people have been statistically proven to be unemployed in 2017, and that population is not likely going to change this year; 2018. This implies the need for a smarter move to escape this unfavorable statistics. You have the option of embracing the stress and expense oriented approach which involves moving round the street of a nation; enduring friendly and unfriendly countenance, health breakdown, etc. without the assurance of having a good job OR; you can simply sign up with a unique platform, upload certified Resume, and then have jobs that matches your credentials locating you daily. Aside the assurance of having jobs at the beckon of your choosing; you will be entitled to certain financial incentives in your wallet, alongside other income stream opportunities that comes with referrals, free lancing, endorsements, etc. This is the first innovation of its kind and it’s coming from the SpringRole project. SpringRole offers you the opportunity of choosing jobs, while releasing some financial benefits for your miscellaneous expenses and refreshments.
It all starts with signing up and uploading attested profiles on the SpringRole platform; which in turn, generates feedbacks from the network of companies, institutions and talented professionals in different fields of endeavors, courtesy of the blockchain technology and made possible by our professional backend developers. With that; SpringRole is bringing to your doorstep an online platform that will;
- Pay you on signing up; creating profile and uploading true and verified Resume on the platform
- Update and synchronize your profile on the database with matching vacancies; globally.
- Secure interview invites for you, and leave you to choose from the job options available
- Give you extra payments for referrals, freelancing, etc.
- Create networking opportunities between you, professional and non-professional users etc.
This implies you having a certified profile that commands the interest of recruiting companies and agencies in a bid to having you fill a vacant position that matches your qualification globally. To say the least; SpringRole is utilizing Trust and technological innovation as a selling point in resolving the global unemployment challenges plaguing us and making sure we stay happy and compensated while doing so.
From the words of Richards above; aspiring professionals are urged to watch out and give SpringRole project a try. It connects you with existing job targets in a process short of stress and expenses and you’re sure of results in a very short time.
Note: Kindly contact the reference section for further detail.
Website: https://springrole.com/ Whitepaper: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ws5qx6h9whhesib/AAC3zGiElBO1p2zLGxf_3SL3a?dl=0 Telegram: https://t.me/springrole Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/springrole?_rdc=1&_rdr Twitter: https://twitter.com/springroleinc Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SpringRole/ Medium: https://blog.springrole.com/?_ga=2.266362054.99780455.1532232103-123020248.1531872980 Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3602729.0 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7jYeZWJHhsV_2266gVMsZw Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/springrole/
Great contents, Well written
This project clearly got my attention after reading, and this will sell to the top. Blessed!!Thank you for the article. I ended up following you !! I will search for your contents everyday, you can follow me too. lets grow together my new post https://steemit.com/ico/@huan00087/review-ico-able-the-new-era-of-crypto-finance-or-10-000-eth-collected
Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it, i am following now.
I think block-chain technology is really getting most things right.
This will be a great assist to the many population of aspiring professionals
yeah exactly, blockchain will really save the world by making the wealth available to everyone.
i do appreciate a good work when i see one.
This is one of a kind.
Keep it up!
wow thanks @verapeach, i am just feeling on top of the world, I will keep improving on it to be giving you guys the best.
Can't wait to see how this project will help people get their desire jobs without going from one office to another.
same here, though that might take a little while before people will start to embrace their platform
Will this serve as a job hunting site?
think of this project like a linkedIn, but they improve to make their platform trusted, you can check out the white paper for more info.
I wish this will come to my country, it will really help to remove cheat in the job hunting
The project is global so anyone can use it as long as you have access to internet connection
nice article @nwanne, i wasn't happy as I missed their ICO, the project will do well