What is PROVOCO challenge app?

in #ico7 years ago

The initial and main goal of PROVOCO team was to create an app for challenges with a reward system. And the goal hasn’t changed, it even more evolved and found more fields to be adapted.


Benefit from challenges

Challenges are very popular in social networks: Facebook, Youtube, Snapchat and Instagram are full of such entertaining content. 288 000 challenges forecasted per 2025! The main issue is, that after accepting and executing a challenge, a user will not get paid for it. This is where PROVOCO will be helpful for everyone:

  • A user can create and execute any challenges. They can not only be viral, entertaining, but also promoting to learn or do something new for yourself or your friend, like: learn swim in 1 month; do 30-day running challenge and many more.
  • A company can use PROVOCO as a new marketing tool. Not only a business can follow customers needs, but also challenge them to do a fun activity (e.g. film video how you drink Cola in different, unusual locations). This is how a brand can form a strong its’ identity.
  • A person can use the app for variuos other needs. For example, you need ideas for a new baner — simply create a virtual contest, choose a winner, pay him/her in VOCOs and have your banner. Contests can be not only personal: e.g. giving ideas for city government how to restore old parks.


PROVOCO app can be adapted in many more ways, but this is the first goal, which explains, how the app can work in fun and rewarding method.

Rewards not only will be monetary (in VOCO tokens, or other cryptocurrencies, or even fiat money), but they also can be as prizes, for example barteric exchanges (products and services), vouchers and coupons, small gifts & big jackpots.

How it will work?

The system is going to be very flexible: a user can create a challenge for a person, for a company or for a group of people. If a person wants to accept the challenge, a user can simply press ACCEPT. If a challenge is inappropriate, users can report it. After accepting and finishing the challenge, the system will transfer the reward for challenge winner(s). Also, others, who will be interested in a challenge, can watch it — this is how the community of like-minded people will form. The format of the challenge submission will be a live video to ensure honesty.

The process of the challenge creation will be very simple: a user chooses the type of the challenge, describes it in the format of voice / video recording or text, determines the conditions, adds the prize fund (in any crypto currency in Ethereum) and uploads it. After several minutes a user will renew its challenges feed and will see not only his/her challenge, but also the newest ones from the other users.
See how the app prototype will look like at: https://provoco.me/en/prototype

Just a quick reminder: we are still having the pre-sale with 40% bonus. Don’t miss your chance to invest at: www.provoco.me

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