Soar - The World's First Decentralized Drone Platform

in #ico7 years ago (edited)

Did you ever think that you would see thousands of Drones in the sky in your life time ? Yes this is a truth, The drone era is on its way, As the American futurist - Thomas Frey states, ''Drones will become the most disruptive technology in human history''. Further more, Thomas Frey predicts that there will be 1 billion drones by the year of 2030 and thoese drones will do things that people cannot imagine yet. The drone age is coming. According to estimation that the annual spending on drones will be almost double to USD 11.4 bye year 2022 from the world wide. In future, Autonomy will completely change the shape of the world economy.

Amazon, The world famous e commerce and cloud computing company based in Seattle, Washington, has been continuously testing out its new Prime Air initiative. Reports say that Amazon has started an Air unmanned aircraft project a few years ago at its research and development labs. This tell us to which direction the wind blows.

(Image courtesy:

This drone revolution has massive implications more than what you can imagine in the first place. It is ranging from legal and moral to economic and geopolitical. Now lets see in which manners the drones can be useful for the human kind.

Drones technology can be used for many cases;

  • Agriculture
  • Aerial Transportation (Cargo and Passengers)
  • Aerial Survey
  • Traffic monitoring
  • Assistance for forest firefighting
  • Photography and in filmmaking
  • Security and surveillance
  • Underground sewer,power, utility, maintenance and safety inspection
  • Pinpoint pesticide delivery
  • High-rise commercial building maintenance and safety inspection
  • Powerline maintenance and safety inspection
  • Assistance for Crowd control/management
  • Wildlife conservation
  • Geographic Mapping

Drone photos.jpg

Now I guess that you have a some kind of idea how useful this drone technology, Because Drones can do what men can't do, in fact, Drones save the time and reduce the operational cost. So today my review about a blockchain project that is releated to drone technology. Drones are awesome, As I said before, It can do many things what men can't do, on the other hand innovative blockchain technology. Then Lets talk about this project. It is "SOAR".

What is Soar Platform ?

Soar is a platform that connect customers and drone content creators for a business purpose powered by blockchain technology. This platform will be a decentrlized one with the transpearency and secure as it is backed by blockchain technology. The first step of the soar platform is to build up a single marketplace for drone contents. Drone owners can share images, vidoes , areial maps and other drone content on this platform. Content holders can sell their products to the thousand of Soar users from world wide and make money on this platform. But wait, This is not the one and only purpose of the project, Soar aims to create a dynamic database for the world's first super-map. So, Soar will be the World's first decentralised SUPER-MAP putting the mapping technology on the blockchain


Benefits that offers soar platform for users.

Soar users will be able to find high quality drone contents on a single place. The platform uses the SkyMap token (SKYM). Platform users will be able to purchase content. This platform has a feature called "Skybounty System", it rewards drone operators to upload content to match the SkyBounty needs, Rewards will be instant for uploading content which taken within the SkyBounty area. ( To match the SkyBounty needs


The SkyBounty System is a marketplace feature of the Soar platform as a mechanism to create an incentive for capturing drone imagery for the desired location. Main task of SkyBounties in the Soar platform is to give token holders the ability to drive image capture and upload for a part of the world where they have an interest. This SkyBounty system works as a signal for local drone operators that the SkyBounty issuer has the required demand for content about a specific area. in this sysetm, Only sposored content will be elgible to receive SkyBounties in order to prevent exploitation of Skybounties from empty or low quality data. Drone operators and Skyponsoers will be rewarded instanstly for uploading content which has taken content within the SkyBounty area. Soar intends to develope this system over number of areas in future.

SkySponsor Model

When you consider about nature of this platform, This platform will be high functioning blockchain platform, So surely there will be significant barriors to meet during the onboaring process.Soar Platform already has designed a mechanism to overcome those problems with the help of the Soar SkySponsor model. This model includes four main parts.

Market Traction Solution

Enabling content creators to upload content to the blockchain for free, SkySponsors make things easier for content creators, SkySponsors cover the costs associated with writing to the blockchain and data storage.

Quality Assurance & Content Moderation

SkySponsors model will introduce a content intermediary woho is going to financially incentivized to moderate and improve the quality of the footage sponsored. It can solve the content exchange issues in the platform. Advantage for the platform from it, It improves the quality of the content, tracking User data, and also It improve the reputation of each an and every content creators.

SKYM Token holders can generate a revenue

SKYM Token holders stil can earn from content on the soar platform even though they don't have drone to get involved in SkySponsor model.

Off-chain Cloud Storage

Online cloud storage will be used by SkySponsor for the Soar platform. It hosts the all the content data of Soar platform. Soar has chosoen Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service as the Cloud services for their project.

SKYM Token

SkymMap Token ( SKYM) will act as the fuel on the Soar platform which is an ERC20 comptabile token allowing customers to utlizie the platform and rewards content creators. with the purpose of growing the the Soar platforom, Soar will conduct a token generate even (TGE). As mentinoed earlier, the SKYM token is a utility token which provide space to access to a wide range of crowd sourced, and sponsored drone content. While the Soar platform evolves, SKYM will allow access to a more range of services, You can learn about them in depth if you visit their whitepaper what I have inclueded at the bottom of this article.



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Token Details

Token - SKYM
MVP/Prototype Available
Platform - Ethereum
Accepting - ETH
Hard cap - 20 000 000 USD
Pre Sale - 17,250,000$
Public Sale - 2,250,000$
Market Cap Listing - 8,200,000$
Total Token Valuation - 70,000,000$
Country - Singapore

Funds Allocation

soar allocation.png

Use of Funds

use of funds.png

Try to find more details here

Web: Whitepaper: Kryptal Bounty Group: Soar Telegram Group: Krypital News: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Medium: Github:

Thanks you for reading.
Author: shirano


nice blog presentation man . I consider this project as a good one. entertainment oriented project

Very interesting concept. When will the ICO be starting?

Private sale has already started @pubudu You can directly register through the official website:

thanks, I will check it.

You are welcome mate..!

A very useful article. Actually, Sora project is very very useful project. persoanlly, I have studied that project. Good luck !

Thank you man. Very good you studied this project. I think you are planing to invest in this one.

Another great project from Krypital team. This one too will be successful. Thanks for the informative article.

Yes, Krypital is behind them.
Thank you for the response