Аbout the project
Callisto Network is already a working project and its tokens are traded on stock exchanges, such as stocks.exchange, bitebtc.com, ooobtc.com, exrates.me. They plan to go to known exchanges such as Yobit, Hitbtc, Kucoin. Callisto Network is essentially a fork from Ethereum Classic. He has his own blockbuster, which works with the main blockbuster ETC. Callisto is a decentralized network with open source code, which is based on the source code of Ethereum. Callisto wants to make a secure network that will further facilitate the development and improvement of protocols.
How it works?
The main goal of Callisto Network is to reduce transaction time and fee for commission in the Ethereum Classic network, as well as to create and develop a self-managed block system. And also Callisto Network was created to encourage even more people to buy Ethereum Classic. Contracts Ethereum often crack, which lead to the loss of large amounts of money. In Callisto Network, they created their own contract audit system. Anyone can do an audit and Callisto Network will find a vulnerability in your contract. Smart contracts will be tested in Callisto, and will be recorded in the block. The Callisto Network employs professional auditors of smart contracts, which in the shortest time can conduct an audit.
Who to buy Callisto tokens (CLO) becomes a participant in the whole process. That allows you to participate in making certain decisions. You can put forward some idea for improving or changing the network and the other participants can agree with you or not. Voting takes place, choose, make these changes or not. For possession of the tokens, each Holder will be paid a reward. The remuneration will be calculated from the number of current tokens-holders. To receive the reward, you will need to send your tokens into a smart contract and wait one month.
Road map
I wanted to highlight the most important scope of the project's road map. At the end of 2018, the project will launch a mobile version of the wallet. In addition, at the end of 2018, the launch of the hard drive fork, 10% of all CLO tokens will be moved to a contract in which tokens are saved in order to receive token fee, which, as I said, will block their own tokens for one month. And all these tokens will be paid to the project participants. At the beginning of the 2019 study in support of eWASM. Then in the middle of 2019, the launch of another hard fork. Here, all token-holders will be able to make changes to the set and have the right to vote for various solutions to improve the network. Further, upon the adoption of a particular solution selected collectively, the Callisto Network team will allocate funds to improve the network.
The company Callisto Network is very promising. One of the important points is that the platform will use the built-in mechanisms of smart contracts to solve audit problems. Today is a very convenient time to enter the company. The price of the tokens at the moment is $ 0,028050 (June 20, 2018). While all the crypto currency has not gone to the top, take a closer look at the Callisto Network project, which in the future will not regret that they did not do it now.
This information is not an offer or advice on investing in ICO financing. Please carefully study the relevant information yourself and decide on participating in the ICO.
Official website: https://callisto.network
Telegram: https://t.me/CallistoNet
WhitePaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18NsazbbcMwmas7TIZRbDslIfNCVeLgBY/view
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CallistoSupport
Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1688466