
Wow excellent brother post, very good content! vote

Thank you very much, awpmaster! Glad you liked it.

This is great content and accurate. I just posted something similar. Thanks for contributing to the space with value. Upvoted and resteem.

Thank you for your comment, dthremedy. I'll check out what you posted. All the best to you!

@terrybrock FYI: My article proposing a fix for the SP Delegation Loophole. Hope it helps. Followed. Voted!

Thank you, cyberspace. I'll look forward to seeing what you put out there. Thanx for stopping by.

@terrybrock My critical blockchain intel analysis and report on EOS's possible disruption of Steem and Bitcoin. The Steemit Inc 2017 Roadmap and Steem-Dev priorities may need to be rethought and reset to address what appears to be a real threat - unless Ned worked out something with Dan that is going to keep Steem's head above water?