Cryptocurrency – Platform – Sovereign Nation
The only cryptocurrency to own its own land, have its own military, and have its currency backed by water. A nation truly incorruptible. A nation ruled by its citizens.
Whitepaper 1.001
Official Coin Name: TREAT
Waves Asset ID#: ZEGRPTrQXFPoqagJJf2NpAaLatAXFjnQumxtDr6SUZ5
All official updates and communication for this project will be only on these two websites.
*TREAT will be governed by a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO). Coinholders vote and decide what the DAO does.
*TREAT will have its own military.
*The “morsel” is the smallest unit of the TREAT currency.
*The total number of TREATs is 666,666,666
*Our currency will be backed by water.
*Coinholders are paid regular dividends according to the amount of tokens they hold.
*TREAT platform will be the new backbone to the Internet of Things (IoT).
*TREAT will use (DAG) instead of blockchain technology and will have smart contracts.
*TREAT will have ownership stakes in many companies. The profits generated from those companies will be passed to coinholders.
*TREAT will own intellectual property. The profit from the intellectual property will be given to coinholders.
*TREAT transactions will be private.
*TREAT will have private peer-to-peer messaging as a functionality.
*Dividend payments will be deposited through multiple currencies into each coinholder’s account.
*TREAT wants to be the backbone behind a decentralised, censorship-resistant internet. TREAT will have decentralised domain names and hosting.
Features Overview
The DAO has the ability to hire companies and individuals to do contracts on behalf of TREAT. At first we will not have a full scale military, so TREAT will hire mercenary groups for select tasks.
TREAT will also form legal corporations in countries that allow crypto-owned legal entities. In countries that do not have such previsions, the DOA will create hidden corporations and organisations to execute “The Will Of The DAO”. The resulting dividends from such endeavors will be passed on to coinholders.
Every country has departments/agencies that have classified information and perform secret operations. TREAT, in that regard, will be no different. In order for some operations to be successful and unhindered by opposing governments and individuals, TREAT’s DOA will have a secret division called Ubna Root. Ubna Root will be responsible for executing and giving contracts for clandestine operations.
If coinholders do not feel confident in their own knowledge on particular issues, they can give their voting rights to another TREAT citizen that they think has more expertise on that topic.
The DOA will not likely not be governed fully by coinholder votes. Artificial Intelligence and crowd-intelligence may play a role in DOA governance at some point in the future.
The Department of Crypto Defense (DCD)
TREAT will have enemies in the form of hackers, governments, and programs. The DCD will be dedicated to staying on the forefront of emerging technologies. The DCD will also be tasked with researching and inventing new technology. Some of these innovations will be patented and used as the backbone of The View & Internet of Things economy.
Censorship-resistance, The View & Internet of Things Economy, and the Robotic Workforce
TREAT is going to develop a system in which files are stored on personal devices. Each time a file is accessed the owner of the hosting device AND the producer of the content will be paid. Production companies will not have to worry about piracy as much. Instead of trying to prevent files from being shared, their revenue model will change to being incentivised to share content.
Advertisers will also be able to advertise on the platform. Hosts and content producers can elect to share in the advertising revenue.
A robotic workforce replacing humans is almost inevitable. TREAT will have mechanisms that will facilitate the robotic workforce. Businesses and individuals will pay to be able to use the Internet of Things intellectual property and features that TREAT’s Department of Crypto Defense developed.
A Currency Backed By Water
Being backed by water means that there will be locations available worldwide that people that have TREAT will be able to retrieve drinkable water.
We are in a time of dramatic climate change. Climate change not just from polution but also from polar shift, and the accompanying super-volcanoes. As the world’s population grows and natural disasters increase, drinkable water is going to be valued more and more. There will likely be wars over which nations have access to water. In the near future, people are not concerned with gold or government tender. They will want WATER. We need water to live. If TREAT controls the water supply; TREAT’s currency will be highly valuable, it will have the power to decide who lives and who dies.
The Future And The Estimated Potential Value Of Each TREAT
TREAT may end up becoming a new global government. That is not necessarily the intent of TREAT at the moment. However, if TREAT gains popularity, and if the world’s nations continue along their current path, such an outcome is possible.
Governments cannot continue to just print money out of thin air and not expect for there to be a massive collapse. Governments cannot continue to promise to provide jobs when it is blatantly obvious that humans are and will increasingly have their jobs replaced by computers/robots. If governments continue to ignore the will of the people, if they continue to allow themselves to be corrupted by contributions from corporations at the expense of their citizens and the environment, the results can not be anything but catastrophic. Governments will topple. And TREAT will there to pick up the pieces for humanity.
If people all over the world use TREATs, then the people must be able to receive the water that TREAT is backed by.
The world uses approximately 9,087 billion cubic metres of water each year.
9087000000000 cubic metres x 1000 litres = 9,087,000,000,000,000 litres
1 cubic metre equals 1,000 litres of water. The average 1 litre bottle of water costs roughly $1.00.
(9,087,000,000,000,000 litres / 666,666,666 TREATS) = 13630500 Litres per TREAT
Since each litre is valued at roughly $1 then each TREAT will be worth approximately $13,630,500
This is a very rough estimate and it assumes that TREATS grows to manage the entire world’s water supply. (A very big assumption) So the actual value will be far lower in the beginning. Nonetheless, the larger TREAT becomes, and the more land TREAT controls the closer to that rough estimate the value of each TREAT will approach.
The TREAT estimated value above is also in US dollars, the calculation does not take into consideration that, most likely, the more valuable TREAT becomes correspondingly the less powerful the United States and the US currency will become. Meaning each TREAT will be worth much more US dollars than stated above.
5% Kept for founders and initial development team
20% Kept For the Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO) operating expenses
75% Given sold during Pre-ICO and ICO
Anything not sold during Pre-ICO and ICO will remain with the DAO.
On The Need For A Military
How can anyone secure water without the ability to use force? Any cryptocurrency project that claims to be backed by a physical resource (gold, silver, etc) without having its own armed forces, is severely shortsighted and naive. Relying on local governments – their armed forces and their laws - to protect the resources and interests of any cryptocurrency project is highly irresponsible and is inherently unstable. TREAT having its own military is a necessity. Anything else besides a military is shortsighted and unreasonable.
Community Support
TREAT needs to be able to pay for the legal defense of those that are executing contracts on TREAT’s behalf. Protecting and giving support to members of the TREAT community is not just the ethically right thing to do - it is also good business. If TREAT does not support those that execute its contracts then the success of the government is at risk.
As a government, we need to employ some of the strategies and tactics other governments use. For example, we need to be able to organise for political gain. In some countries, it may be in TREAT’s interest to select and support a local politician to get laws passed that strengthen our position. Creating and sponsoring lobbyist groups and organising political events may yield outstanding returns on the investments. Being able to influence how other countries operate (all while being undetectable) has the potential to be a tremendously powerful tool to increase TREAT’s value and support its mass adoption.
TREAT coinholders may also vote to support other projects, research, and members of the extended cryptocommunity if the support that is given will end up helping TREAT in the long run.
How will we obtain land for our sovereign nation?
There are several options. We may start out with a city in the sea. We may also try to buy land or making deals with currently existing governments. If the existing countries that we try to negotiate with are intractable or dont want to allow us to pay with gold. Then we will forced to pay the Iron price. TREAT will not be denied.
TREAT + Porn = A Scrumptious Gateway To Crypto
They say marijuana is the gateway drug. TREAT will be the gateway cryptocurrency. Porn is arguably the backbone of the internet and one of the reasons the internet exploded in popularity. Initially, we are going to empower TREAT by using pornography. TREAT will produce its own pornography and create many pornographic websites. The pornography TREAT produces will ONLY be purchasable with TREAT. Because people will have to buy TREAT to view the content this will give the currency value and it will be heavily traded in the markets.
On websites like and porn trailers get millions of views. TREAT will create short advertisements in the porn trailers. This has a number of purposes and advantages.
The cost of producing porn is inexpensive when compared to traditional ICO marketing expenses
By advertising with porn, TREAT it will reach a much larger audience then traditional marketing.
TREAT producing pornography will increase the value of the currency.
TREAT coinholders will earn profit and residual income from pornography sells.
TREAT will eventually build a platform in which people and studios can upload their own porn videos and earn income.
The porn industry has some huge issues that TREAT can solve.
- Credit/Debit card processing fees. Most businesses that want to accept payments from credit/debit cards pay low transaction fees ranging from free-2%. The porn industry on the other hand typically pay 14-20% transaction fees because porn is views as HIGH RISK. TREAT will eliminate those transaction fees.
- Porn companies have to deal with PIRACY. Many well-established production companies have been forced to shutdown because of people sharing content through torrents and filesharing websites. With the implementation of The View Economy piracy will not be an issue. Instead, production companies will earn the MORE their content gets shared freely.
- Government regulation and excessive record keeping is often onerous and heavy-handed. Porn on the TREAT platform and with TREAT technologies will keep allow people to produce porn anonymously and without having to deal with government regulation.
- Content producers will not have to worry about reporting income to the government and they will eventually be able to have access to their cryptoassets without government or banking oversight.
(We are not advocating that people should break their government’s laws, not pay taxes, or create vile and heinous content. However, TREAT is creating a platform, currency, and government that does not invade people’s privacy)
There are many other applications which crossover into other non-porn related industrues. For the sake of brevity will not list them.
Centralisation in a Decentralised Government
Technologies often start off centralised. For example, the centralised Napster was the company that made filesharing a worldwide phenomena. Later came torrents. In most cases a centralised organization has the structure and resources to bring a project to fruition (oftentimes with a better final product) than a decentralized organization. As time passes however, decentralised systems (like open-source operating systems) are capable of outperforming centralised systems in terms of efficiency and quality of final product.
The TREAT government, once it is established, will be a place that is much more conducive to freespeech, faster adoption of new technologies, less government regulation, and more human rights.
One of the biggest reasons for decentralisation is to avoid government oversight and censorship. With government oppression being less of an issue, centralised projects under TREAT’S jurisdiction will more frequently become viable options from privacy and free speech adovocates, and entrepreneurs. People will feel that they will have a stable foundation on which they can trust and build.
First Stages
Phase 1 - We are going to film professional porn videos. This will serve to advertise and gain mass attention. TREAT will distribute earnings to coinholders. This will begin to establish creditability within the cryptocommunity and amongst TREAT citizens. The dividends that coinholders are paid will offset some the risk to investors.
Phase 2 - Release the official DAG TREAT platform with working DAO.
Pre-ICO and ICO
Pre-ICO start date: October 3rd 2018
Pre-ICO end date: November 3rd 2018
Pre-ICO Price: $.10 cents per TREAT
ICO start date: November 3rd 2018
ICO end date: March 3rd 2019
ICO Price: $.50 cents per TREAT
Which currencies can I use to buy TREATS?
Litecoin, Bitcoin, Dash, Monero, Waves, Ethereum, US Dollar, Euro, BitcoinCash, Zcash
How Do I Get TREATS?
TREATS can be obtained from the Waves decentralised exchange. (Instructions Below)
Go to and you can either download the client or use the online client.STEP 2
Click on the WALLET icon as shown.
Select the currency that you would like to deposit into your wallet. By pressing “Receive” you will be shown a QR code or deposit address.
After depositing funds into your wallet. Click on the exchange button as shown:
Type in (or Copy-and-Paste) in TREAT’s asset ID: ZEGRPTrQXFPoqagJJf2NpAaLatAXFjnQumxtDr6SUZ5 into the search box. After you insert the ID in the search box, the various TREAT trading markets will be shown.
Select whichever trading pair you like and purchase as many TREATs as you like.STEP 6
DONENote: Using the asset ID is important for 2 reasons.
- There may be coins that may appear to be spelled similar to Treat and you want purchase the correct currency.
- Waves platform says that it is decentralised, however the trading platform is not. They have banned currencies that they did not like from appearing in the past. If Waves does like our mission and they choose to prevent it from showing up in the trading platform the only way to purchase TREAT is by using TREAT’s ID: ZEGRPTrQXFPoqagJJf2NpAaLatAXFjnQumxtDr6SUZ5
“It doesn’t matter who we are. What matters is our plan.” - Bane
It is very important that TREAT’s core development team remain a secret. As TREAT gains in popularity governments may find us to be a threat to their power. There are people that are severing life sentences in prison or have been murdered for much less than what we are trying to accomplish. Team member anonymity is paramount until the DAO has been created. Once the DAO is created there is nothing any government can do to stop us.
First Name: Dragon Middle Name: D. Last Name: Targaryen
(offer vaiid until 11/01/2018)
*REWARD 5000 TREATS - Create Promotional Explainer Videos
To receive funds simply upload the video to Youtube. Then comment below on this post the video’s Youtube url. On the details section of the youtube video state your TREAT deposit address.
To receive funds simply upload the video to Youtube. Then comment below on this post the video’s Youtube url. On the details section of the youtube video state your TREAT deposit address.
*REWARD 10,000 TREATS - Build Social Media Accounts on large platforms (Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, RenRen, Instagram, etc) dedicated to promoting TREAT. For each account that has over 4,000 subscribers we will deposit 10,000 TREATS in your account.
To receive funds simply comment the url of the social media account below. On the bio/details section of the social media account clearly state your TREAT deposit address.
*REWARD 2000 TREATS - Create a 10 second TREAT intro video with a version of the TREAT logo AND the and urls so people know how to learn more.
Please stay tuned for new updates. We want to hire people full-time and we need volunteers as well. Contact method will be give soon. #treat
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