How will a potential student earn on the platform United Minds, for his education?

in #ico8 years ago

Are there young people, who can change the world?

Mark Zuckerberg - as a young student, created a social network Facebook, which brought together millions of people around the world.

Elon Mask - in the beginning, his life bordered on the verge of poverty, and now he is the creator of innovative technologies that are already changing the world for the better future.

Jan Kum is the creator of the WhatsApp messenger, an emigrant from Ukraine, his family who lived on unemployment benefits.

Douglas Lyon - went from cleanser of toilets to the head of one of the largest companies in the Silicon Valley.

These words belong to him "We want people who come to us with a modest background to be eager to win," which we took as the basis of our platform.

We believe that there are so many talented people and they need help. They can quickly change our world for the better, but for many of them it's hard, and sometimes it's just impossible to find money for further education.

Therefore, United Minds platform will provide an opportunity for truly talented young people who have the genius idea to continue their education.

How will a potential student earn on the platform United Minds, for his education?

The first step: registration of a potential student on the United Minds platform. It is absolutely free and all its actions on the platform will be free of charge. This is our main principle.

At the time of registration, he lays out his full personal data, identity and academic data. This will avoid the appearance of fake accounts. As each registration will be checked.

Then he indicates the desired specialization that he wants to receive at the university. Closed communities are formed by specializations.

When registering, a potential student is assigned a unique nickname. His personal and other data entered by him during registration are not able to be viewed publicly.

The second step: the most important thing.
On the platform, he lays out his work or the idea that he is currently working on. Published work on the platform is the property of United Minds until it is redeemed by the investor or the investor does not enter into its co-authorship or a potential student using the capabilities of United Minds does not go to university.
The work appears in the public domain and only on a platform where each investor can see it, read, analyze, comment, offer to enter a closed community, make proposals for the purchase of work. All the work of a potential student is signed by his nickname. It is forbidden for a potential student to promote his work on third-party resources.
In the event that such a case is identified, the registration of a potential student is canceled; his work and tokens become the property of the United Minds platform.

The third step: promotion of work, ideas
All projects will be published in the news line as they are published. An investor can subscribe to the work of a potential student and vote for his chosen job.

The number of subscriptions and votes will be raised in the tape. The more work will collect votes and subscriptions; the longer it will be in the news top. Each new additions or changes in the work of a potential student will also be in the tape as they are published.

The fourth step: preliminary voting.
Any investor who owns UMT tokens has the right to vote for a job or a potential student. The more a potential student has collected votes, the higher he is promoted by rating according to his specialization. The higher his rating, the more chances he has to get into a closed community or participate in voting on getting investments from the platform and investors.
Voting is carried out in two ways: voice support and token support.

Fifth step: closed communities
Closed communities for specialization can be created only by investors or a group of investors.
They can be accessed by the investor if the student is invited to a closed community with the consent of the student himself. If an investor invites a potential student to a closed community, he will pay the potential student a reward. All invitations of potential students to closed communities will be published in the news feed. This will motivate registered potential students to create even better own projects, and among investors there will be a healthy competition and will allow other investors to make a more profitable offer.

When creating a closed community, each investor-founder pays a reward to the platform.
Closed communities are created only on condition that at least 2 potential students are invited, in the future they can increase in the number of participants, but not more than 10.
The limitation in the number of people admitted to the community is connected with the need to choose only the best and create competition.

The investor decides to invite a potential student to the community, one or more, working on the same issue or related industries related to the main idea. The community discusses the idea, solves questions about the financing of the project, sets tasks for potential students who are in the community. Any projects discussed in a closed community, if previously held in public, are removed from open access and are closed.

A potential student admitted to a closed community immediately receives the PRO level.

Invited to the closed community receives from the platform a reward from the investor tokens, the number of which will depend on a personal arrangement with the investor, for the removal of his work with open access. Invitation to the closed community and all proposals of the investor are published in an open form to create competition and obtain a more profitable offer by the potential student.

In the event that a potential student refuses to be invited to a closed community and leaves his project open, he also receives a PRO level and a reward from the platform.

In a closed community, the investor has the right to invite a potential student to sell his work to him or suggest a joint continuation of work on it. When joining a closed community, a potential student and his work do not participate in the voting.

The investor has the right to expose the work created in a closed community to participate in the voting.

Sixth step: preliminary voting
On the first Monday of the month following the quarter, voting begins for the projects of potential students who received the largest number of votes during the last three months.

A group of potential students, a group of potential students with a PRO level, three people from each specialization with jobs that received the most votes and tokens, projects created within the closed community participate in the voting if the investor-founder receives the consent of its members to put the project to the vote, as well as a potential student, whose nomination was made by the investor.

Only owners of UMT tokens are allowed to vote. The winner is determined by the number of collected tokens for each specialization separately.

In the first group, the winner who collected the largest number of tokens during the voting is assigned a PRO level and a reward is paid from the platform.
The minimum voice is 100 tokens.

The second group is potential students with a PRO level who are not in a closed community or who have moved to the PRO level by voting results. The winner is paid remuneration from the platform and all tokens from potential students who did not become winners in the voting are also transferred.
The minimum voice is 500 tokens.

Works from closed communities participate without prior selection, provided that at least three closed communities participate in the voting. The winner is determined by the number of tokens collected. The winner receives all collected tokens and tokens of the closed communities which have not become winners. The investor independently distributes tokens inside the closed community.
The minimum voice is 1000 tokens.

The potential student, offered by the investor, participates in voting on the general grounds provided for the first and second groups.

Seventh step: final vote
Once a year in May, the final vote is taken between the winners of the interim votes for each specialization separately.
The winner receives as a prize payment of annual training in the university chosen by him at the expense of the United Minds platform, as well as the possibility of using the collected tokens to pay for continuing education.
In a closed community, the investor determines the member of the group on the basis of a simple vote of its participants, where the investor has the right to a decisive vote.

This is our proposal, which will probably be changed in the future.