1 step closer to officially Launching
Whitepaper coming soon!
Then To get Verified on some exchanges!!
Exciting times.
FTRUMP Token Details.
Source Code Verified!!
Join our NEW Slack Channel if you'd like more details! Hope to hear from you here and there!!
Join our Slack team! https://join.slack.com/t/ftrump/shared_invite/MjI2ODIzNjI5NDE0LTE1MDI2MDg2NTktNzExYTA4ZWJkMA
Eh, what exactly is this all about?
Check out www.FTRUMP.life
More details coming with Whitepaper, but basically the digitization/tokenization of Freedom. A digital token of value showing them economically how dissatisfied we are of the ruling class.
I will be upgrading my website and adding more anti-trump Merch for sale for FTRUMP Tokens.