In modern retail business, the main competitive advantage in comparison with other stores is high-quality customer service. Almost every chief would like to have satisfied customers who would come back for shopping again and again and recommend the store to friends and acquaintances. Therefore high level and professional service is the primary goal of a large number of retail chains and stores.
After all, the positive emotions and buyer's impressions is a guarantee that he will mark a quality service and tell about it to his acquaintances and will return to the store where he was serviced at the highest level more than once.
Among other things, it's worth noting the next benefits that the store receives with quality service it's an increase in the average amount of a check; even at an increase in prices and the season's change, sales continue to grow; buyers are interested in receiving a bonus card this store, and related products are bought more willingly. In addition, the motivation of employees is enhanced and staff turnover is decreasing while their qualification level is increasing.
But since we live in the age of high technology now when every day something new is created which makes life more comfortable and simpler, scientists couldn't help but develop a new device for this sphere.
This is the Nucleus Vision company which for three years has invested in the research and development of technologies to create intelligent automated solutions.
Nucleus is a contactless system for identifying and personalizing customers. The company has developed the IoT sensor technology which will promote better understanding and customer service.
Intellectual sensors IoT from Nucleus will be able to give an idea of the behavior and preferences of the client which is in the immediate vicinity of the device. There will be an opportunity to track customer visits, find out what brochures and leaflets they have been browsing in other stores, and also receive information about their favorite products and brands. But wherein ensures complete security and confidentiality of personal data thanks to the blockchain system on which the Nucleus platform is built.
Intelligent IoT sensors from Nucleus Vision do not require a connection to WiFi, Bluetooth, RFID technologies, face recognition programs. They work with all modern phones and don't need an application.
Moreover, Nucleus Vision has a patented technology that includes:
- ION Sensor. This is a multifunctional IoT sensor platform which is supported by RF technology.
- Single Sign-on. The process of network authentication with a single sign-on.
- Dynamic in-store Pricing. Model of intellectual dynamic pricing for retail trade.
- Online-to-Offline Attribution. The device-matching mechanism for the identification of the client's movement through virtual and physical channels.
Nucleus Vision built its own ecosystem which is serviced by an internal token - nCash. With the help of token customers will have the opportunity to pay for purchases and receive bonuses for this. For retailers, nCash will act as an encouragement in the loyalty program and also will be used to pay for transactions.
Thus the technology of Nucleus Vision functions due to four main components: ION, ORBIT, NEURON and nCash.
At the moment Nucleus Vision is working with companies such as Vodafone, Reliance Communications, and Idea Cellular to bring the platform to the telecommunications market.
Also Nucleus Vision conducts an official bounty campaign.
Articles, Reviews, Publications - 20%
Reddit - 20%
Artwork and Videos - 15%
Twitter - 10%
Translation Campaign - 10%
Bug Hunt and Creative Development - 10%
Facebook - 5%
Telegram - 5%
Signature Campaign - 5%
High Quality: 250 points
Good Quality: 100 points
Normal Quality: 50 points
Low Quality: 0 points
- Your content must be original.
- The low-quality article will not be accepted.
- The article must have min 500 characters.
- Add links to the official Website, Bitcointalk Announcement, and your Bitcointalk profile (in the bottom of your article) in your content.
- Only one article on free platforms (Medium, Steemit, Newbium, and others).
10 upvotes: 5 points
20 upvotes: 10 points
50 upvotes: 20 points
100 upvotes: 50 points
300 upvotes: 100 points
- Follow the official Reddit.
- Your account must be at least 30 days old and have 10 posts/comments karma.
- Posts/comments with negative karma are not accepted.
- Posts must be posted in one of the following subreddits, or cryptocurrency related subreddits: r/bitcoin, r/ethereum, r/ethtrader, r/icocrypto, r/NucleusVision.
- External posts should link to either NUCLEUS.VISION subreddit posts, to the NUCLEUS.VISION Website or to the Bitcointalk Thread.
- Spam is not allowed.
High Quality: 250 points
Good Quality: 100 points
Normal Quality: 50 points
Low Quality: 0 points
- Your content must be original.
- The low-quality works will not be accepted.
- A video should be more than 1 minute.
- Animated videos at least 30 seconds in length.
- Add links to the official Website, Bitcointalk Announcement, and your Bitcointalk profile (in the bottom of your article) in your content.
- Only one article on free platforms (Medium, Steemit, Newbium, and others).
500+ followers: 10 points
1500+ followers: 25 points
5000+ followers: 50 points
15000+ followers: 100 points
35000+ followers: 200 points
- Follow the official Twitter.
- Min 5 retweets/tweets a week.
- Tweets must be constructive.
- Spam is not allowed.
- Themes of the posts:
- What you think are the coolest features of Nucleus
- What use cases you would like to see Nucleus being applied to
ANN thread: 100 points
Website: 150 points
Whitepaper: 350 points
Moderation/Management: 5 points per valid post of Moderator
- Your translation must be original.
- Using Internet Translators and spread spam are prohibited.
- Translators must do both ANN and WP.
- Translators should be active.
Between 10 and 1000 points depending on the importance of the finding or creation you submit.
- Your work must be original.
- These are ideas, suggestions, and suggestions that can help NucleusVision.
- Detection of possible errors in documents, on the website, and others.
- Developing a Program, Software, DApp.
- Low Quality Submissions will not be accepted.
500+ friends: 5 points
2000+ friends: 10 points
5000+ friends: 25 points
10000+ friends: 50 points
25000+ friends/followers: 100 points
- Follow and Like the official Facebook page.
- Min 500 Facebook friends.
- Only original Facebook accounts.
- Account must be public.
- Make a post about the Nucleus Vision Token Sale and add 2 links of the official Website and of the Bitcointalk Thread.
Join: 1 point
Invite 5: 5 points
Invite 10: 10 points
Invite 15: 20 points
Invite 30: 40 points
Invite 50: 75 points
Invite 100: 200 points
- Join the Telegram.
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- You must be active on Telegram at least once a week.
Jr. Member: 5 points/week
Member: 15 points/week
Full Member: 30 points/week
Sr. Member: 50 points/week
Hero and Legendary: 80 points/week
+5 points/week for personal text
- Jr. Member or higher ranked user in Bitcointalk.
- Min 10 constructive posts per week.
- Post must have min 75 characters.
- Spam is prohibited.
- You can't remove signatures before the end of the ICO.
Codes of signatures and Personal text: Bitcointalk Thread
My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1158328
Thank you for your attention!
A promising coin. The team conducts an interesting bounty program.
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