Artificial intelligence will facilitate shopping, searching for items and any interaction with the platform. Autonomous delivery drones automate the final stage of item delivery to the customer, and the entire system will be based on the existing infrastructure. Its presentation will therefore not be long haul.
The establishment of the Aligato 2.0 stage over the blockchain will guarantee wellbeing, strength and straightforwardness at a level unattainable by the arrangements accessible as of recently. The Pay by means of Eye installment framework, working through standard cameras in cell phones or PCs, will furthermore fortify the security of purchasers.
The vision set here is certainly not an inaccessible future. The Aligato group is creating proper mechanical, strategic and administrative arrangements. A few sections are as of now licensed.
Execution of Artificial Intelligence
The execution of profoundly learning Artificial Intelligence will empower us to guarantee the client's comfort and the greatest time reserve funds.
The framework will encourage both the deal procedure and the buy procedure. It will recall the customers' inclinations and alter the offers to their individual needs. It will likewise be useful in circulating deal offers and closeouts: when you enter a couple of fundamental parameters, it will recommend how to upgrade the offer and change it to coordinate your ideal vision.
Inventive vital arrangements
We understand that the human is and will stay fundamental in numerous parts of life. In specific zones, notwithstanding, innovation accomplishes results unattainable to the human hands and mind. We trust that one territory is a substantial piece of collaborations: allocate.
Our lead thought is to make a framework involving completely computerized, faultless conveyance rambles utilizing our creative arrangements in the extent of distribution center surface, and additionally biological, inexhaustible wellsprings of vitality. The idea itself is as of now introduce available to the extent designs are concerned, anyway our protected arrangements joined with an imaginative way to deal with numerous components in which we practice will desert the opposition far.
Absolutely, our objective requires huge money related costs. We trust that your assistance in the midst of the ICO, and additionally participation with vital accomplices inside the business, will empower us to execute our worldwide, future-arranged vision immediately.
The expert help group
In any case, Aligato won't be completely in light of computerization and Artificial Intelligence. Wherever the human is fundamental, our qualified staff will be at your administration. We need its individuals to take care of the clients' issues on a running premise. We wish their each reaction to avow the clients in their conviction that the customer is most imperative on Aligato.
Additionally, our administration and accounting framework will help you in the issues identified with charges, bookkeeping, solicitations and administration.
We will likely make life less demanding paying little mind to commencement or culture. We understand that improving the nature of individuals' lives will result in our natural development. Hence, since we believe in our answers, we will do our best to achieve the best conceivable number of individuals in the most brief time conceivable. We know that we will require vital accomplices and unions in light of common enthusiasm to accomplish it.
You can rest guaranteed that we will make progress toward such unions when we start executing our thoughts. In this way, we trust that you will likewise see the capability of our undertaking and reinforce us and AligatoCoin at the plain start of our way. We will set up a little union with you and, in accordance with our standards, it will be helpful to both of us..
The AligatoCoin Mission:
To be a dependable, reliable, and professional company that offers its CUSTOMERS with the best possible conditions for finish of ware and service sale and purchase transactions online.
Our business activity is most of all governed by:
exclusive expectations,
The strategic goal of AligatoCoin is to win a solid and stable position in the global e-commerce market by giving top notch services, effective marketing actions, development of the artificial intelligence, all governed by the team's top aptitudes and abilities. We want to achieve that all by playing by the rules as our ethics and morale are one of our greatest assets.
The ethical and business patterns that we take after make the actions taken by us very valuable and efficient; they describe the way we deal with Customers, Contractors, and Employees, as well as the way in which we carry out our central goal.
The values we are lead by in our day-to-day activity are based on the accompanying principles:uphold quality at all cost,
play by the business rules and obey the law,
respect employees,
tolerance and no discrimination,
elevated requirements at work,
Fair Play competition,
care for open interest and environmental protection
Token Name: AligatoCoin
Token Symbol: ALC
Platform: Ethereum (ERC20)
Distribution Process: The ALC tokens will be delivered once the ICO has closed
Cryptocurrency Unit (Token) Price: 1 ALC = 0,50 USD
Minimum Amount of the Cryptocurrency Tokens to Buy: 1 ALC
Pre-ICO Opens on: 20.04.2018 (12:00 CET)
Pre-ICO Closes on: 29.07.2018 (12:00 CET)
ICO Opens on: 30.07.2018 (12:00 CET)
ICO Closes on: 30.08.2018 (12:00 CET)
Soft Cap: 1,000,000 ALC
Goal: 35,000,000 ALC
Maximum Cryptocurrency Release Volume (Hard Cap): 70,000,000 ALC
Protection of Investors: If the Minimum Goal is not reached, the funds will be paid back to the investors once ICO has closed
Maximum Cryptocurrency Supply: 100,000,000 ALC
Token Distribution: Aligato 30%; crowdfunding investors 70%
Payments Methods: BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGECOIN, ATB, ( PLN & USD )
Investors 70%
The Building Team 9%
Proof of Stake 8%
Advisors 5%
Reserve 5%
Bounty 3%
Marketing 30%
The Building Team 9%
IT Infrastructure 15%
Proof of Stake 8%
Platform Improvement 33%
Reserve 5%
Preparation of the AligatoCoin technical support;
Pre-ICO start and preparation for ICO;
Update of Aligato’s purchase portfolio.
AligatoWallet application work starts;
Beginning of AligatoCoin exchange listing process.
Aligato 2.0 development starts – preparation of full functionality and a new platform layout;
The e-learning platform development begins.
Work on the installation and launch of the AligatoWallet beta version in the Aligato 2.0 framework begins;
Work on creating our own Blockchain starts;
AligatoCoin on selected Polish and foreign crypto exchanges.
The fifth phase will focus entirely on the work aimed at further technical improvements and implementation of the optimization and solutions suggested by our community.
Patent protection works on technological innovation of the project;
Launching a mirror version of Aligato 2.0 in national domains;
Preparation of the next 4 language versions.
Pay Pay (PvE) proprietary payment system, starting with conceptual work and reviewing ready-made technological solutions.
Advanced technological development of an autonomous delivery system using drones;
Construction and testing of the alpha version of the Bumblebee autonomous drone
Further work on the drones delivery platform;
Tests and presentation of a functional Bumblebee Beehive;
Obtaining the necessary licenses and permits.
Completion of works on the new headquarters of Aligato
Advanced work on creating your own renewable energy source to power drone.
Visit the links below for more information:
Eth Acc: 0xC65d4C7255bd678F1B919A8a6F5e154907849688MY BITCOINTALK PROFILE :;u=1360307
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